1. ⇒ قيد ⇒ قاد
قِيدَ: see 2.
2. ⇒ قيّد
قيّدهُ, inf. n. تَقْيِيدٌ, He put a قَيْد [or pair of shackles] upon his (a horse's) [fore-] legs; he shackled his [fore-] legs. (Mṣb.) قَيَّدْتُ الدَّابَّةَ [I shackled the fore-legs of the beast; hobbled him: and, in a general sense, bound him.] (Ṣ.) قِيدَ↓ (inf. n. قَيْدٌ, TA) and قُيِّدَ signify the same, [He had shackles put upon his fore-legs; he had his fore-legs shackled]. (Ḳ.) See also 5.
قَيِّدْهُ بِالْأَلْتِ † [Bind thou him by oath]: said when one has not given thee thy right or due. (TA in art. الت.)
أُقَيِّدُ جَمَلِى, (inf. n. تَقْيِيدٌ, Ḳ.) [lit., I shackle the fore-legs of my camel; meaning,] ‡ I fascinate my husband so as to prevent him from going to other women; as though I shackled his legs. (IAth, L, Ḳ,* from a trad.)
‡ It (fatigue) kept a she-camel from action. (A.)
‡ It (beneficence) shackled, or restrained, a person. (A.)
قيّد الإِيمَانُ الفَتْكَ ‡ [The giving assurance of safety] inhibits assassinating, or assaulting, the مُؤْمَن [i. e. the person to whom assurance of safety has been given (بالمُؤمِنِ in the CK is a mistranscription for بِالمُؤْمَنِ)]; like as shackles inhibit the mischievous animal from doing mischief. (L, Ḳ,* from a trad. [See also 1 in art. فتك; where this trad. is cited in full.])
قيّد, (inf. n. تَقْيِيدٌ Ḳ,) ‡ He pointed a writing with the syllabical signs, or signs which point out the pronunciation and division of syllables: (Ṣ, A, L, Ḳ:) he pointed a letter: (L:) he restricted a word or phrase [in its signification or application] by that which prevented equivocation and removed ambiguity. (Mṣb.)
‡ He registered, or recorded, a matter of science [&c.] in a book or the like; i. q. ضَبَطَ. (L.)
5. ⇒ تقيّد
تقيّد quasi-pass. of قيّد [He had shackles put upon his legs; he had his legs shackled: see also 2]. (A.)
قَادٌ: see قِيدٌ,
قَيْدٌ [A shackle; or fetter: or, generally, a pair of shackles for the fore-legs of a beast, and generally made of rope, but some are of iron; a pair of hobbles; a pair of fetters]: (Ṣ, Ḳ, &c.:) pl. [of pauc.] أَقْيَادٌ (L, Mṣb, Ḳ) and [of mult.] قُيُودٌ. (Ṣ, L, Mṣb, Ḳ.)
إِنّ قُيُودَ الأَيَادْ أَوْثَقُ الأَقْيَادْ ‡ [Verily the shackles of benefactions are the firmest of shackles]. (A.) [الأَيَادْ is for الأَيَادِى.]
What binds together [the two pieces of wood in a camel's saddle which are called] the عَضُدَانِ of [the two broad pieces of wood called] the مُؤَخَّرَتَانِ, (L, Ḳ [in the former of which, however, instead of ما ضمّ العضدين من الموخّرتين, the reading in the Ḳ, is put ما ضمّ العضدتين المؤخّرتين, which I suppose to be a mistake]) at their upper part, being a thong. (L.)
A plaited thong between [the two pieces of wood called] the حِنْوَانِ of a camel's saddle of the kind called رَحْل, at the upper part; and sometimes, of a horse's saddle. (L.)
The thong that binds together [the two pieces of wood called] the عَرْقُوَتَانِ of a camel's saddle of the kind called قَتَب. (Ṣ, L, Ḳ.)
Anything that binds one part of a thing to another part. (L.)
The extended thing at the lower extremities of the suspensory cords or strings of a sword, which is held by [the rings called] the بَكَرَات. (L, Ḳ.)
قَيْدَا البَازِى The jesses of the hawk or falcon; syn. سِبَاقَاهُ (Ṣ, O, Ḳ, all in art. سبق.)
قَيْدُ الأَسْنَانِ The gum wherein the teeth are set: (Ḳ:) قُيُودُ الاسنان the gums: (L:) or the portions of the flesh of the gums that rise between the teeth; likened to the red قُيُود which are marks upon camels, made with a hot iron. (ISd, L.)
قَيْدُ الفَرَسِ A certain mark made with a hot iron upon the neck of a camel, (Ṣ, ISd, L, Ḳ,) and upon its face, and thigh, of an oblong shape, (ISd, L,) in the form of a قَيْد [for the legs], (Ṣ, L,) or of two rings with a line extending between them. (Nh, L.)
قَيْدُ الأَوَابِدِ ‡ [lit. Shackles upon the legs of the wild animals which shun, and take fright at, mankind, &c.; or, accord. to the L, of the wild asses]: indeterminate in signification, though determinate in its grammatical form: (Sb, L:) an appellation given to a horse, (Ḳ,) or to a fleet, or swift, and excellent horse, because, by its swiftness, it overtakes the wild beasts, (T, Ḳ,) and prevents their escaping. (T, Ṣ.) قيد is here a proper subst. used as an epithet because it imports the attribute of a verb; or it is for تَقْيِد. (IJ, L.) [See also art. ابد and Ḥam, p. 455.]
‡ A wife: as also غُلٌّ. (TA.)
مَا عَلَى هٰذَا الحَرْفِ قيَدْ ‡ There is not upon this letter a syllabical sign, or sign which points out the pronunciation, or the division of syllables. (A.)
القَيْدُ وَالرَّتْعَةُ, a prov.: see art. رتع.
قِيدٌ A whip made of skin. (MF.)
قِيدٌ andقَادٌ↓ (Ṣ, L, Ḳ) andقَيْدٌ↓ (Ḳ) Measure. (Ṣ, L, Ḳ.) Ex. بَيْنَهُمَا قِيدُ رُمْحٍ, and قَادُ رمح, Between them two is the measure of a spear. (Ṣ.) See also art. قود.
قِيَادٌ A leading-rope (Ṣ, Ḳ) for a beast of carriage. (Ṣ, Ḳ.) [But this belongs to art. قود, q. v.]
قَيِّدٌ Tractable; easy to be led. (Ṣ, Ḳ.) [But this belongs to art. قود, q. v.]
قَيِّدَةٌ: see art. قود.
مَقِيدٌ: see مُقَيَّدٌ.
مُقَيَّدٌ The place of the قَيْد in the leg of a horse; (Ṣ, Ḳ;) [i. e., the pastern]. Ex. فَرَسٌ عَبْلُ المُقَيَّدِ طَوِيلُ المُقَلَّدِ [A horse large in the place of the shackle, or pastern; long in the place of the collar, or neck]. (A.)
The place of the anklet in [the leg of] a woman; (Ṣ, Ḳ;) [i. e., the ankle].
مُقَيَّدٌ [andمَقِيدٌ↓] A camel, or the like, having his legs shackled; having shackles upon his legs: pl. [of the latter] مَقَايِيدُ. (Ḳ.) You say هٰؤُلَآءِ أَجْمَالٌ مَقَايِيدٌ, i. e., مُقَيَّدَاتٌٰ [These are camels having their legs shackled]. (Ṣ.)
نَاقَةٌ مُقَيَّدَةٌ ‡ A jaded she-camel that will not be roused to action. (A.)
And مُقَيَّدٌ A place in which a camel is left with his legs shackled. (L, Ḳ.) Hence applied to a place abounding with herbage, or pasture. (L.)
مُقَيِّدَةُ الحِمَارِ (L) [in the CK, مُقَيَّدَةُ الحِمَارِ, and in most copies of the Ḳ, accord. to the TA, الخِمَارِ,] † A stony tract, of which the stones are black and worn and crumbling, as though burned with fire; syn. حَرَّةٌ: (L, Ḳ: [in a copy of the Ḳ, حُرَّةٌ]) so called because it impedes the ass, [in the TA, art. حمر, the wild ass,] as though it shackled him. (L.)
Hence, (L,) بَنُو مُقَيِّدَةِ الحِمَارِ, (L,) in the Ḳ, بَنُو مَقَيَّدَةَ [with fet-ḥ to the ى, and without الحمار] (TA,) [and in the CK, بَنُو مُقَيَّدٍ,] † Scorpions: (L, Ḳ:) so called because they are in a tract such as is called مقّيدةالحمار. (L.) [See an ex. in some verses cited voce رُمْحٌ.]
[تَقْيِيدٌ A note which determines the correct reading or meaning of a word or phrase or the like: and hence, any marginal note: pl. تَقْيِيدَاتٌ.]