Lanes Lexicon Preface
(Linking is still under development)
Volume 1: ا - ث
Volume 2: ج - خ
Volume 3: د - ز
Volume 4: س - ص
Volume 5: ض - ع
Volume 6: غ - ف
- Preface of Volume 6 (by Stanley Lane Poole)
Volume 7: ق - م
Volume 8: ن - ى
Original xml-files of Lanes Lexicon were provided by (Arabic collection), and are currently undergoing manual and automated verification processes.
Updates will be posted at irregular intervalls.
Current status of development:
- Proofreading and html-conversion of OCR results of prefaces, postscripts and related tables: completed
- Proofreading and html-conversion of OCR result of Memoir: completed
- Manual root verification (correction of Perseus xml-files) and preparation of page index: completed
- Root-references to pdf-files: completed
- Automated split of perseus xml-files (by letter) into individual html-files for each root: completed
(entries of supplement were appended to related roots of main part of lexicon) - Navigation menu for roots (roots of supplement were fully integrated): completed
- Automated correction of arabic transliteration of authorities: completed
(manual proofreading is ongoing) - Structural revision of Perseus xml-files and automated conversion to valid HTML5: completed
- Manual entry verification: mostly done
- Crossreference between entries: ongoing
- Proofreading of text within entries of lexicon: ongoing