Table 3Table IV.Preface
Indications of Authorities.
From all these authorities I have drawn through the medium of the Táj el-ʼAroos or the Lisán el-ʼArab, except those distinguished by the mark ‡, which denotes those whence I have always drawn immediately: from many of them I have also drawn through the medium of some other lexicon than the two above named: and from those distinguished by the mark † I have often, or generally, drawn immediately. What is meant by an asterisk placed after any indication of an authority in my lexicon has been explained in page xxvi.
† | A | The “Asás” of Ez-Zamakhsheree. |
AA | Aboo-ʼAmr Ibn-El-ʼAlà, and Aboo-ʼAmr Esh-Sheybánee: each being cited simply by the name of “Aboo-ʼAmr.” | |
AAF | Aboo-ʼAlee El-Fárisee. | |
ADḳ | Abu-d-Duḳeysh. | |
AḤát | Aboo-Ḥátim Es-Sijistánee. | |
AḤei | Aboo-Ḥeiyán. | |
AHeyth | Abu-l-Heythem. | |
AḤn | Aboo-Ḥaneefeh Ed-Deenawaree, author of the “Book of Plants.” | |
† | AM | Aboo-Manṣoor (same as Az). |
AO | Aboo-ʼObeydeh. | |
A’Obeyd | Aboo-ʼObeyd. | |
AZ | Aboo-Zeyd. | |
Aạl | El-Aạlam. | |
Akh | El-Akhfash. | |
Aṣ | El-Aṣma’ee. | |
† | Az | El-Azheree (same as AM), author of the “Tahdheeb.” |
B | The “Baṣáʼïr,” by the author of the “Ḳámoos.” | |
† | Bḍ | El-Beyḍáwee’s “Exposition of the Ḳur-án.” |
Bkh | EI-Bukháree. | |
Bṭl | El-Baṭalyowsee. | |
‡ | CḲ | The Calcutta edition of the “Ḳámoos.” |
Dmr | Ed-Demeeree. | |
‡ | EM | The “Exposition of the Moʼallaḳát,” printed at Calcutta. |
† | F | El-Feyroozábádee, author of the “Ḳámoos.” |
† | Fei | El-Feiyoomee, author of the “Miṣbáḥ.” |
Fr | EI-Farrà. | |
Fṣ | The “Faṣeeḥ” of Thaạlab. | |
† | Ḥam | The “Exposition of the Ḥamáseh,” (“Hamasæ Carmina,”) by Et-Tebreezee. |
‡ | Ḥar | El-Hareereeʼs “Maḳámát,” the Commentary on; 2nd edit. of Paris. |
Hr | El-Harawee. | |
IAạr | Ibn-El-Aạrábee. | |
I’Ab | Ibn-ʼAbbás. | |
‡ | I’Aḳ | Ibn-ʼAḳeel's “Exposition of the Alfeeyeh of Ibn-Málik,” edited by Dr. Dieterici. |
IAmb | Ibn-El-Ambáree. | |
IAth | Ibn-El-Atheer El-Jezeree, (Mejd-ed-Deen,) author of the “Niháyeh.” | |
IB | Ibn-Barree, author of the “Annotations on the Ṣiḥáḥ,” with El-Busṭee. | |
† | lDrd | Ibn-Dureyd, author of the “Jemharah” &c. |
IDrst | Ibn-Durustaweyh. | |
IF | Ibn-Fáris, author of the “Mujmal.” | |
† | IHsh | Ibn-Hishám, author of the “Mughnee.” |
IJ | Ibn-Jinnee. | |
IKh | Ibn-Khálaweyh. | |
IḲooṭ | Ibn-El-Ḳooṭeeyeh. | |
IḲt | Ibn-Ḳuteybeh. | |
IḲṭṭ | Ibn-El-Ḳaṭṭáạ. | |
† | IM | Ibn-Mukarram, (commonly called in the Táj el-ʼAroos “Ibn- Manḍhoor,”) author of the “Lisán el-ʼArab.” |
IO | Ibn-ʼOdeys. | |
† | ISd | Ibn-Seedeh, author of the “Moḥkam.” |
ISh | Ibn-Shumeyl (En-Naḍr). | |
ISk | Ibn-Es-Sikkeet (Yaạḳoob). | |
‡ | lbrD | Ibráheem Ed-Dasooḳee. |
† | J | El-Jowharee, author of the “Ṣiḥáḥ.” |
‡ | JK | A MS. supposed to be the “Jámiʼ” of El-Karmánee: a lexicon founded upon the “ʼEyn,” with additions from the “Tekmilet el-ʼEyn” of El-Khárzenjee. |
‡ | JM | The “Jámiʼ” of the seyyid Moḥammad. |
‡ | Jel | The “Exposition of the Ḳur-án” by the Jeláleyn. |
Jm | The “Jemharah” of Ibn-Dureyd. | |
† | Ḳ | The “Ḳámoos.” |
ḲI | The ḳádee ʼIyád. | |
‡ | KL | The “Kenz el-Loghah,” of Ibn-Maạroof; an Arabic-Persian Dictionary. |
‡ | KT | The “Kitáb et-Taạreefát.” |
Kf | The “Kifáyet el-Mutaḥaffiḍh.” | |
Kh | EI-Khaleel, commonly supposed to be the author of the “ʼEyn.” | |
† | Kr | Kuráạ, author of the “Munjid.” |
Ks | El-Kisá-ee. | |
† | Ksh | The “Keshsháf” of Ez-Zamakhsheree. |
Ḳt | El-Ḳuteybee. | |
Ḳṭr | Ḳuṭrub. | |
‡ | Kull | The “Kulleeyát” of Abu-l-Baḳà. |
† | Ḳur | The “Ḳur-án.” |
Ḳz | El-Ḳazzáz. | |
† | Ḳzw | El-Ḳazweenee. |
† | L | The “Lisán el-ʼArab.” |
Lb | El-Leblee. | |
Lḥ | El-Liḥyánee. | |
Lth | El-Leyth Ibn-Naṣr Ibn-Seiyár, held by El-Azheree to be the author of the “ʼEyn,” which he calls “Kitáb Leyth.” | |
† | M | The “Moḥkam.” |
‡ | MA | The “Muḳaddamet el-Adab” of Ez-Zamakhsheree. |
† | MF | Moḥammad Ibn-Eṭ-Ṭeiyib El-Fásee, author of “Annotations on the Ḳámoos.” |
† | MṢ | The “Mukhtár eṣ-Ṣiḥáḥ.” |
Mbr | El-Mubarrad. | |
† | Meyd | El-Meydáneeʼs “Proverbs.” |
† | Mgh | The “Mughrib” of El-Muṭarrizee. |
Mj | The “Mujmal” of Ibn-Fáris. | |
† | Mṣb | The “Miṣbáḥ” of El-Feiyoomee. |
† | Mṭr | EI-Muṭarrizee, author of the “Mughrib.” |
† | Mughnee | The “Mughni-l-Lebeeb” of Ibn-Hishám. |
† | Mz | The “Muzhir” of Es-Suyooṭee. |
Nh | The “Niháyeh” of Ibn-El-Atheer El-Jezeree (Mejd ed-Deen). | |
Ns | En-Nesa-ee. | |
O | The “ʼObáb” of Eṣ-Ṣaghánee. | |
‡ | PṢ | The “Persian Translation of the Ṣiḥáḥ.” |
R | The “Rowḍ” (“Er-Rowḍ el-Unuf”) of Es-Suheylee. | |
† | Ṣ | The “Ṣiḥáḥ.” |
‡ | SM | The seyyid Murtaḍà, author of the “Táj el-ʼAroos.” |
Sb | Seebaweyh. | |
Seer | Es-Seeráfee. | |
Ṣgh | Eṣ-Ṣaghánee, author of the “ʼObáb ” and of the “Tekmileh fi-ṣ-Ṣiḥáḥ.” | |
Sh | Shemir. | |
† | Skr | Es-Sukkaree, author of an “Exposition of the Deewán El-Hudhaleeyeen.” |
Suh | Es-Suheylee, author of the “Rowḍ.” | |
† | T | The “Tahdheeb” of El-Azheree. |
‡ | TA | The “Táj el-ʼAroos.” |
‡ | TḲ | The “Turkish Translation of the Ḳámoos.” |
TṢ | The “Tekmileh fi-ṣ-Ṣiḥáḥ” of Eṣ-Ṣaghánee. | |
† | TT | The “Tahdheeb et-Tahdheeb.” |
Th | Thaạlab, author of the “Faṣeeḥ.” | |
† | W | El-Wáhideeʼs “Exposition of the Deewán of El-Mutanebbee,” edited by Dr. Dieterici. |
Yoo | Yoonus. | |
Yz | El-Yezeedee. | |
† | Z | Ez-Zamakhsheree. |
Zbd | Ez-Zubeydee, author of an “Abridgment of the ʼEyn.” | |
† | Zj | Ez-Zejjáj. |