وكب وكت وكث

1. ⇒ وكت

وَكَتَ, aor. يَكِتُ, (inf. n. وَكَتٌ,) He, or it, made a mark, or impression, or left a mark. (Ḳ.) You say وَكَتَ شَيْئًا He, or it, made a mark, or impression, or left a mark, upon a thing. (TḲ.)

Root: وكت - Entry: 1. Dissociation: B

وَكَتَ aor. يَكِتُ, inf. n. وَكْتٌ; andوِكّت↓, inf. n. تَوْكِيتٌ; He filled (Ḳ.) a قِرْبَة, (Lḥ,) or a cup, or the like, as also زكت. (Fr.)

Root: وكت - Entry: 1. Dissociation: C

وَكَتَ, aor. يَكِتُ, inf. n. وَكْتٌ, He walked, or went, with short steps. (Sh, Ḳ.)

Root: وكت - Entry: 1. Signification: C2

He (a beast of carriage) raised and put down his feet quickly. (L.)

Root: وكت - Entry: 1. Signification: C3

وَكَتَ المَشْىَ, inf. n. وَكْتٌ and وَكَتَانٌ, He went, or walked, with short steps, but in a heavy and ugly manner. (L.)

Root: وكت - Entry: 1. Signification: C4

وَكّت↓ فِى سَيْرِهِ He went with a particular kind of pace. (L, from Kr.)

Root: وكت - Entry: 1. Dissociation: D

وَكَتَ الكِتَابَ, inf. n. وَكْتٌ, He pointed, or dotted, the book, writing, or letter. (L.)

2. ⇒ وكّت

وَكَّثَتِ البُسْرَةُ inf. n. تَوْكِيتٌ, The date became speckled, by reason of its ripening. (Ṣ, M, Ḳ.)

Root: وكت - Entry: 2. Dissociation: B


وَكْتٌ, (Nh, &c.,) or وَكْتَهٌ, (L,) A mark, (L,) or a small mark, (Nh,) in a thing, resembling a speck (نقطة), of a different colour from the thing itself: (Nh, L:) pl. of the latter [or rather coll. gen. n., of which the latter is the n. un.] وَكْتٌ. (L.)

Root: وكت - Entry: وَكْتٌ Signification: A2

وَكْتٌ A little; not much, a little thing. (Sh, Ḳ.)

Root: وكت - Entry: وَكْتٌ Signification: A3

وَكْتٌ and وَكْتَةٌ A speck that appears in a date by reason of its ripening. (TA.)

Root: وكت - Entry: وَكْتٌ Signification: A4

وَكْتَةٌ A speck (نُقْطَة) in a thing: (Ḳ:) or what resembles a نُقْطَة in a thing: (Ṣ:) a red speck, or spot, in the white of the eye, which, if neglected, becomes a وَدْقَة: (ISd:) or a white speck, or spot, in the black of the eye: (TA:) you say, فِى عيْنِهِ وكتةٌ [In his eye is a speck, &c.]. (Ṣ.)

Root: وكت - Entry: وَكْتٌ Signification: A5

فِى قَلْبِى وَكْتَةٌ مِمَّا قُلْتَOn my heart is a slight impression made by what thou saidst. (A.)


وُكْتَةٌ i. q. فُرْضَةُ زَنْدٍ (Ḳ: in the CK, فَرْضة) [app., The notch in a wooden instrument for striking fire; as understood by Golius: but accord. to the TA, the notch, or the like, in the joint called زند of a camel].


وَكِيتٌ The act of calumniating, or slandering, syn. سِعَايَةٌ and وِشَايَةٌ, (Ḳ,) to one possessed of command, or power. (TA.)


رَجَلٌ وَكَّاتٌ, mentioned by Kr; thought by ISd to be from وَكَتَ المَشْىَ; [and therefore to signify A man who walks, or goes, with short steps, but in a heavy and ugly manner]; because were it by the phrase mentioned by Kr [i. e. وَكّت فى سيره] it would be مُوَكِّتٌ. (TA.)


وَاكِتٌ, in a camel, i. q. نَاكِتٌ. (Ḳ.)


مَوْكُوتٌChanged in colour (كَمِدٌ) by reason of anxiety, or grief: (Ḳ:) or changed in colour (كَمِدٌ), and full of malevolence, and of anxiety, or grief. (TA.)

Root: وكت - Entry: مَوْكُوتٌ Signification: A2

عَيْنٌ مَوْقُوتةٌ An eye in which is a وَكْتَة. (A, &c.)


بُسْرَةٌ مُوَكِّتَةٌ, and مُوَكِّتٌ, (the latter on the authority of Seer, TA) A date speckled, or becoming speckled, by reason of its ripening. (T, M, Ḳ.) When it is speckled in the part next the stalk, it is called مُذَنِّبَةٌ (TA.) See بُسْرٌ.