ورد ورس ورش

1. ⇒ ورس

وَرَسَ, inf. n. وُرُوسٌ, It (a plant) became green. (AA, A, Hn, M.)

Root: ورس - Entry: 1. Signification: A2
Root: ورس - Entry: 1. Signification: A3

وَرِسَ, (M, Ḳ,) aor. يَوْرَسُ, (Ḳ,) It (a rock, M, Ḳ, in water, Ḳ) became overspread with [the green substance called] طُحْلُب, so that it became green and smooth. (IDrd, M, Ḳ.)

Root: ورس - Entry: 1. Signification: A4

2. ⇒ ورّس

ورّسهُ, inf. n. تَوْرِيسٌ, He dyed it (a garment, or piece of cloth,) with وَرْس, q. v. (Ṣ, Ḳ.)

4. ⇒ اورس

اورس المَكَانُ The place produced the plant called وَرْس. (Ṣ.)

Root: ورس - Entry: 4. Signification: A2

اورس الرِّمْثُ The [trees called] رمث produced وَرْس, a thing yellow like the [garments termed] مُلَآء; as alsoوَرَسَ↓: so it is asserted, on trustworthy authority: (M:) or became yellow in their leaves, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) after attaining to maturity, (Ṣ,) and had upon them what was like yellow مُلَآء; (Ṣ, Ḳ;) and in like manner one says of a place, اورس المَكَانُ: (TA:) or became yellow in its fruit: (A:)

Root: ورس - Entry: 4. Signification: A3

اورس الشَّجَرُ The trees put forth leaves; (Ḳ;) as alsoوَرِسَ↓. (IḲṭṭ.)


وَرْسٌ A certain plant, (Ṣ, A, Mṣb, Ḳ,) of a yellow colour, (Ṣ, Mṣb,) resembling sesame, (A, Ḳ,) with which one dyes, (A, Mṣb,) and of which is made the [liniment called] غُمْرَة for the face, (Ṣ,) existing in El-Yemen, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) and nowhere else, (Ḳ,) being there sown; (Mṣb;) it is not wild, but is sown one year, and remains ten years, (AḤn, M,) or twenty years, (Ḳ,) without ceasing to be profitable, resembling sesame in its manner of growth; and when it dries, on its attaining to maturity, its pericarps (خَرَائِط) burst, and it is shaken, and the وَرْس shakes out from it: (AḤn, M,) it is useful for the [discolouration of the face termed] كَلَف, used as a liniment; and for the [leprous-like discolouration of the skin termed] بَهَق, [prepared] as a drink; and the wearing of a garment dyed with it strengthens the venereal faculty: (Ḳ:) or a certain yellow dye: or, as some say, a certain plant, of sweet odour: or, as is said in the قَانُون [of Ibn-Seenà, or Avicenna,] a certain thing of an intensely red colour, resembling powdered saffron, brought from El-Yemen, and said to be scraped or rubbed off, or to fall off, from its trees: (Mgh:) or, as some say, a species of كُرْكُم, q. v.: or, as some say, resembling كُرْكُم: (Mṣb:) or a certain thing, yellow, like the [garments of the kind called] مُلَآء, that comes forth upon the [trees called] رِمْث, between the last part of summer and the first part of winter, (M, TA,) which, when it touches a garment, soils it: (TA:) or it also, sometimes, [accord. to certain persons who seems to misapply the word, is a substance which] pertains to the [trees called] عَرْعَر and رِمْث, and to other trees, above all in Abyssinia; but this is inferior to that first mentioned (Ḳ, TA) in virtue and properties: as to that of the عرعر, it is found between its rind and the main substance, when it dries up; and when it is rubbed, it rubs off; and there is no good in it; but ورس [properly so called] is adulterated with it: and as to that of the رمث, when it is the end of summer, and it has attained its utmost state, it becomes intensely yellow, so that what envelops it becomes yellow, and with this also one adulterates: so says AḤn: (TA:) ورس is called in Persian اسپرك [إِسْپَرِكْ]; and in Turkish, آلاجهره. (TḲ.) [Freytag adds to what he has given on this word from the Ḳ, Ṣ, TḲ. as follows: “Memecylon tinctorium. Sprengel. hist. med., t. ii., p. 444, ed. tert. (ubi ورز scriptum est). Spreng. hist. rei herb., t. i., p. 258. Avicenn. p. 165”]


وَرِسٌ: see وَرِيسٌ.


وَرْسِىٌّ A yellow bowl: (A:) or a bowl made of نُضَار, (M,) which is a yellow wood: (TA:) or of the best kind of those made of نُضَار. (Lth, Ḳ.)

Root: ورس - Entry: وَرْسِىٌّ Signification: A2

A pigeon that is red inclining to yellowness: (M:) or a pigeon inclining to redness and yellowness. (Ḳ.)

Root: ورس - Entry: وَرْسِىٌّ Signification: A3


وَرِيسٌ A garment dyed with وَرْس; as alsoوَرِسٌ↓ andوَارِسٌ↓ (M) andمُوَرَّسٌ↓. (M, A.) You say, مَلْحَفَةٌ وِرِيسَةٌ, (so in some copies of the Ṣ and Ḳ) orوَرْسِيَّةٌ↓, (as in other copies of the Ṣ and Ḳ, and thus in a copy of the Mṣb,) [An outer wrapping garment] dyed with وس; (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ;) i. q.مُوَرَّسَةٌ↓; (Ḳ;) which latter epithet is sometimes used. (Mṣb.)

Root: ورس - Entry: وَرِيسٌ Signification: A2


وَارِسٌ applied to a place [Producing the plant called وَرْس]. (TA.)

Root: ورس - Entry: وَارِسٌ Signification: A2

Applied to a tree of the kind called رِمْث, Producing وَرْس, a thing yellow like the [garments termed] مُلَآء: (M:) or becoming yellow in the leaves, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) after attaining to maturity, (Ṣ,) and having upon it what is like yellow مُلَآءُ: (Ṣ, Ḳ:) or becoming yellow in its fruit: (A:) or, app., having وَرْس, like as تَامِرٌ signifies “possessing dates;” (AḤn;) andوَرِيسٌ↓ likewise has the last of these significations: (TA:) مُورِسٌ↓ also signifies the same as وَارِسٌ, applied to a tree of the kind abovementioned; (A, Ḳ;) but is very rare, though agreeable with analogy: (Ḳ:) it is said (M) one should not say مُوْرِسٌ; (Ṣ, M;) but it occurs in a poem of Ibn-Harmeh. (M.)

Root: ورس - Entry: وَارِسٌ Signification: A3

Applied to a tree [of any other kind], Putting forth leaves. (TA.)

Root: ورس - Entry: وَارِسٌ Signification: A4

Applied to a plant, Becoming green. (M.) You say also, صَخْرَةٌ وَارِسَةٌ بِالطُّحْلُبِ, A rock overspread with the green substance called طحلب, so that it is green and smooth: [see 1]. (A.)

Root: ورس - Entry: وَارِسٌ Signification: A5

It also denotes intenseness of colour, in the phrase أَصْفَرُ وَارِسٌ Yellow intensely bright. (M.) And [in like manner] you say, جَمَلٌ وَارِسُ الحُمْرَةِ A camel intensely red. (Ṣgh.) And زَعْفَرَانٌ وَارِسٌ [app., Bright-coloured saffron]. (A.) See also وَرِيسٌ.


مُورِسٌ: see وَارِسٌ.


مُوَرَّسٌ: see وَرِيسٌ, in two places.