1. ⇒ قضى
قَضَى He finished a thing entirely, by word, or by deed. This is the primary meaning. (Bḍ, ii. 111.) By word, as in وَقَضَى رَبُّكَ (Idem, ibid.) And thy Lord hath commanded decisively. (Idem, xvii. 24.) And by deed, as in فَقَضَاهُنَّ سَبْعَ سَمٰوَاتٍ [Ḳur, xli. 11, And he completed them seven heavens]. (Idem, ii. 11.)
And He (God) desired a thing so as to necessitate its being. (Idem, ii. 11.)
إِذَا قَضَى أَمْرًا, [Ḳur, ii. 111,] When He (God) desireth a thing to be. (Bḍ, Jel.)
[Thus it signifies He decreed a thing; ordained it; pronounced it; or decided it judicially.]
قَضَى عَلَيْهِ, aor. ـِ
[He completed; accomplished; or fully performed; a thing.]
قَضَى He attained, or obtained, or accomplished, his want. (Mṣb.)
[He paid, discharged, or satisfied, a debt, due, claim, or demand.]
قَضَيْتُهُ حَقَّهُ I gave him [or paid him] his due, (Mṣb,) fully. (Ḥar, p. 22.)
قَضَى عَنْهُ (Ṣ, Ḳ, in art. جزى, &c.) He, or it, payed; or made, or gave, or rendered, satisfaction; for him. (TḲ in that art.) And followed by شَيْئًا [He paid a thing for him, or in his stead; gave, or rendered, it as a satisfaction; lit. and fig.] (Ṣ, TA in that art., and Bḍ in ii. 45.) See جَزَى عَنْهُ; and see a verse cited voce دَانَ, in art. دين.
He finished doing a thing: he finished his prayer. (TA.) He performed, fulfilled, or accomplished, the pilgrimage, syn. أَدَّى, (Mṣb,) and the religions rites and ceremonies of the pilgrimage, (Bḍ, Jel in ii. 196,) syn. قَضَىَ بِهِ. (Jel, ibid, Mṣb.)
You also say, حَكَمَ بِهِ He decreed it;, &c.; like حَكَمَ بِهِ: see an ex. voce سُلْطَانٌ.
قَوْلُهُ مَمَّا يَقْضِى العَجَبَ [His saying such a thing is of the things that induce wonder in the utmost degree]. (TA in art. جلب.) See Ḥar, p. 22.
وَقَضَيْنَا إِلَى بَنِى إِسرائِيلَ (Ḳur, xvii. 4): see إِلَى.
قَضُوَ: see غَزُوَ, and هَيُؤَ, and بُطُآنَ; and see طَمُعَ in the Ṣ.
3. ⇒ قاضى
قَاضَاهُ He cited him before a judge. (TA.)
5. ⇒ تقضّى
6. ⇒ تقاضى
تَقاَضَاهُ الدَّيْنَ He took, or received, from him the debt. (M, Ḳ.)
7. ⇒ انقضى
انقضى andتقضّى↓ It passed away; came to an end, or to nought; became cut off. (Ḳ, TA.)
8. ⇒ اقتضى
اِقْتَضَى كَذَا It required such a thing: it required the inference of such a thing: it necessarily implied, or involved, such a thing as its consequence or concomitant; it required such a thing to be conceded; it necessitated such a thing.
اِقْتَضَاهُ حَقَّهُ He demanded of him his due. (MA.)
إِقْتَضَيْتُ مِنْهُ حَقِّى I took, or received, from him my due. (Mgh, Mṣb.)
10. ⇒ استقضى
اِسْتَقْضَيْتَهُ I demanded of him the giving [or payment] of my due, (Mṣb, Ḳ,*) or debt; (Ḳ;) and in like mannerتَقَاضَيْتُهُ↓ دَيْنِى and بِدَيْنِى. (Mgh.)
قَضَآءٌ a term of the law; opposed to أَدَآءٌ, which see: and see an ex. cited voce صَحَّ.
قَضَآءٌ The exercise of the office of a ḳádee. [You say] القَضَآءُ جَمْرٌ [meaning, the exercise of the office of a Kádee is one that often leads to hell]. (L, art. عود.)
قَضِيَّةٌ A thing; an affair; a matter; a case; an event; an action: significations well known, but not found by me in any classical writing, nor in any lexicon, excepting as implied when the word is used in explanations: syn. أَمْرٌ and شَأْنٌ.
A case of law. (L in art. جهد.)
قَضِيَّةٌ كُلِّيَّةٌ [A universal or general prescript, rule, or canon]. (Kull, voce قَاعِدَة, p. 290; KT, in explanation of the same word.)
قَضِيَّةٌ in logic, A proposition.
مُقْتَضَى [Exigence.]
مُقْتَضَى اللَّفْظِ That which the word, or expression, indicates. (El-Fárábee, Mṣb, voce مُعْنًى.)