سمل سملق سمن


سَمْلَقٌ An even plain; (Ḳ, TA;) like سَلَقٌ; mentioned by J in art. سلق; or a desert in which is no herbage: or an even tract of land destitute of herbage: and [the pl.] سَمَالِقُ signifies [deserts such as are termed] صَحَارَى: or, accord. to El-Wáhidee, far-extending, long land. (TA.) [See an ex. in a verse cited voce أَرْقَلَ: and another voce رِيَاغٌ, in art. ريغ.]

Root: سملق - Entry: سَمْلَقٌ.1 Signification: A2

[Hence,] † A woman that bears no offspring: likened to land that does not give growth to anything. (TA.)

Root: سملق - Entry: سَمْلَقٌ.1 Signification: A3

A woman bad in sexual intercourse; as also with ة {سَمْلَقَةٌ}. (TA.) And the latter, † A woman that has no إِسْكَتَانِ [or labia majora of the vulva]: (TA:) [or] a woman having no buttocks. (ISk, TA in art. رقع.)

Root: سملق - Entry: سَمْلَقٌ.1 Signification: A4

And † A clamorous old woman: or, accord. to AA, one of evil disposition. (TA.)


كَذِبٌ سَمَلَّقٌ [like سُمَاقٌ] A sheer, unmixed, lie. (TA.)