R. Q. 1. ⇒ يأيأ
يَأْيَأَهُ, inf. n. يَأْيَأَهٌ and يَأْيَآءٌ, [respecting the form of which latter see ظَأْظَأَ,] He made a show of kindness, benignity, or favour to him. (Ḳ.)
إِنَّمَا هُوَ يَأْيَآءٌ [It is only making a show of kindness, &c.: or, perhaps, He is only one who makes a show of kindness, &c.,]. (L.)
يَأْيَأَ بِالقَوْمِ He called the people: (Ḳ: so too in the L, and this is the correct meaning: TA:) or he said to the people يَأَّيَأَّ, in order that they should assemble, or collect together. (Ḳ)
يَأْيَأَ بِالإِبِلِ He called to the camels by the cry أَىْ, (whence the verb is formed by transposition, TA,) to quiet them. (Ḳ.)
يَأْيَآءٌ The cry, or crying, of the bird called يُؤْيُؤ. (Ḳ.)
[See also the verb.]
يُؤْيُؤٌ A certain bird (Ṣ, Ḳ) of prey, (Ṣ,) resembling the [kind of hawk called] بَاشَق: (Ṣ, Ḳ:) it is of the birds called صُقُور, [pl. of صَقْرٌ,] as are also the بَازِى and the شَاهِين and the زُرَّق and the بَاشَق: (AḤát in TA, in art. بشق:) accord. to Dmr, it is a small bird, short-tailed, the temperament of which is, in comparison with that of the باشق, cold and moist; for it is more patient, or enduring, and heavier in motion: the people of Egypt and Syria, he adds, call it جَلَمٌ, on account of the lightness and swiftness of its wings: (TA:) pl. يَأٓئِىُ, and, in a verse, يَأٓئِىْ. (Ṣ.)
Also, accord. to AA, The head, or uppermost part, of a vessel in which كُحْل (collyrium) is kept: mentioned before as called بُؤْبُؤٌ, which is perhaps a mistake for يؤيؤ. (TA.)