كودأ كوذ كور

2. ⇒ كوّذ

كوّذ, inf. n. تَكْوِيذٌ, It (an إِزَار [or a wrapper for the lower part of the body and the thighs]) reached to the part called the كَاذَة (L, Ḳ) only. (L.)

Root: كوذ - Entry: 2. Signification: A2

He (a man in the act of concubitus) thrust against the sides of the pubes. (Ḳ.)

Root: كوذ - Entry: 2. Signification: A3

He beat or struck, with a staff, or stick, upon the posteriors, (Ḳ,) between the thigh and the hip. (TA.)


كَاذَةٌ What surrounds the vulva, of the exterior of the two thighs: (L, Ḳ:) or the portion of flesh of the inner side of the thigh; the two together are called the كَاذَتَانِ: (Aṣ, L:) or the flesh of the hinder part of the thigh: (L, Ḳ:) or the part of the thigh which is the place that is cauterized in the hinder part of the thigh of the ass; so in a man, &c.: (L:) or the كَاذَتَانِ are two compact portions of flesh in the upper part of each thigh of an ass, the place that is cauterized, between the thigh and the haunch: (T, L:) or the flesh of the outer sides of the two thighs, below the جَاعِرَتَانِ; (AHeyth, T, L;) and this is the correct signification: (T, L:) or the prominent flesh in the upper parts of the thigh: (Ṣ, L:) pl. كَاذَاتٌ and [quasi-pl., or coll. gen. n.,] كَاذٌ. (L.)


مُكَوِّذٌ An إزَار [or a wrapper for the lower part of the body and the thighs] reaching to the part called the كَاذَة (L, Ḳ) only; or, to the كَاذَتَانِ, when it is put on. (L.)