1. ⇒ قيس ⇒ قاس
قاس الشَىْءَ بِغَيْرِهِ, and عَلَى غَيْرِهِ, (Ṣ, A,* Mṣb,* Ḳ *; the first and last in this art. and in art. قوس;) and إِلَى غَيْرِهِ, (A, TA,) aor. يَقِيسُهُ, (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ,) inf. n. قَيْسٌ (Ṣ, A, Mṣb, Ḳ) and قِيَاسٌ, (Ṣ, A, Ḳ,) [which latter is the more common,] He measured the thing (Ṣ, A, Mṣb. Ḳ) by another thing (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ) like it; (Ṣ, Ḳ;) [both in the proper sense and mentally; often meaning he compared the thing with another thing;] as also قَاسَهُ, aor. يَقُوسُهُ, inf. n. قَوْسٌ (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ; the first and last in art. قوس;) and قِيَاسٌ; (Ṣ;) [the latter of which verbs, though the less common, is, accord. to the JK, the original;] and soاقتاسهُ↓; (A, Ḳ;) andقيّسهُ↓; (TA;) and soقايسهُ↓ بِهِ, (Mṣb,) and إِلَيْهِ, (TA,) inf. n. مُقَايَسَةٌ and قِيَاسٌ: (Mṣb:) the first of these verbs is said to be trans. by means of على because implying the meaning of founding [a thing upon another thing]; and by means of الى because implying the meaning of adjoining or conjoining and collecting [a thing to another thing]. (MF.) You say, قَاسَهُ بِٱلْمِقْيَاسِ [He measured it with the measure]. (A.) And قَاسَ الطَّبِيبُ قَعْرَ الجِرَاحَةِ, (TA,) and قَاسَ الشَّحَّةَ, (A,) inf. n. قَيْسٌ, (TA,) The physician measured the depth of the wound, (TA,) and the depth of the wound in the head, (A,) بِٱلْمِقْيَاسِ with the probe. (A, TA.) And جَارِيَةٌ تَخْطُو قَيْسًا ‡ A damsel that steps with even, or equal, steps: (A:) or قَيْسًا signifies with measured steps, at a moderate and just pace, as though with equal steps: (IAth:) or قَيْسٌ signifies the walking with an elegant and a proud and self-conceited gait, with an affected inclining of the body from side to side. (Ḳ.) And فُلَانٌ يَأْتِى بِمَا يَأْتِى قَيْسًا ‡ [Such a one does what he does, or says what he says, by measure, or by rule]. (A.)
[Hence, † He determined, or judged of, the thing by comparing it with another thing; i. e., by analogy: and he compared the thing with another thing. And قَاسَ عَلَيْهِ He judged by comparison therewith. And He copied it as a model.]
2. ⇒ قيّس
3. ⇒ قايس
قايسهُ بِهِ, and إلَيْهِ: see 1. You say, قَبَحَ ٱللّٰهُ قَوْمًا يُسَوِّدُونَكَ وَيُقَايِسُونَ بِرَأْيِكَ [May God remove far from prosperity a people who make thee lord, or chief, and who measure things by thy judgment, or by thine opinion]. (A, TA.)
قَايَسْتُ بَيْنَ الأَمْرَيْنِ, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) or الشَّيْئَيْنِ, (A,) inf. n. مُقَايَسَةٌ and قِيَاسٌ, (Ṣ,) I measured, or compared, the two things, or cases, together; syn. قَدَّرْتُ, (Ḳ,) or قَادَرْتُ بِيْنَهُمَا. (L.)
قَايَسْتُهُ, (Ḳ,) i. e., قَايَسْتُ فُلَانًا, (Ṣ,) i. q. جَارَيْتُهُ فِى القِيَاسِ [I vied, or contended, with him, namely, such a one, in measuring, or comparing; app. meaning, in measuring, or comparing, myself, or my abilities, with him, or his: see قَادَرْتُهُ].
[This verb is mentioned in the Ṣ in art. قوس.]
6. ⇒ تقايس
تقايس القَوْمُ The people mentioned [and app. compared] their several wants (مَآرِبَهُمْ [but I think it probable that this is a mistranscription for مَآثِرَهُمْ their generous qualities or the like]). (TA.)
7. ⇒ انقيس ⇒ انقاس
انقاس It was, or became, measured by another thing like it. (Ṣ, in art. قوس; and Ḳ, in the present art.)
† [It was, or became, determined, or judged of, by comparison, or analogy.] You say, هٰذِهِ مَسْئَلَةٌ لَا تَنْقَاسُ † [This is a question not to be determined, or judged of, by comparison, or analogy]. (A, TA.)
8. ⇒ اقتيس ⇒ اقتاس
هُوَ يَقْتَاسُ بِأَبِيهِ He follows the way of his father, and imitates him. (Ṣ, Ḳ, in art. قوس; and mentioned in the Ḳ in the present art. also.) The medial radical is both و and ى. (Ḳ.)
قَاسُ رُمْحٍ: see قِيسُ رُمْحٍ.
بَيْنَهُمَا قِيسُ رُمْحٍ (Ṣ, A, Ḳ *) andقَاسُ↓ رُمْحٍ (Ṣ, Ḳ) Between them two is the measure of a spear: (Ṣ, Ḳ:*) like قِيدُ رُمْحٍ (TA) [and قَادُ رُمْحٍ]. And هٰذِهِ الخَشَبَةُ قِيسُ إِصْيَعٍ This piece of wood is of the measure of a finger. (A,* TA.) [Both are said in the A to be tropical; but wherefore, 1 see not.]
[Used as a simple subst., Measurement.]
[The premises of a syllogism, taken together: and also applied to a syllogism entire.]
[Analogy: rule. You say, هٰذَا عَلَى القِيَاسِ This is according to analogy, or to rule. And هٰذَا عَلَى غَيْرِ قيَاسٍ This is contrary to analogy, or to rule. And عَلَى قِيَاسِ كَذَا After the manner of such a thing.]
[قِيَاسِىٌّ Mensural.]
[Relating, or belonging, to the premises of a syllogism: and also, syllogistic.]
[Analogous; regular: as alsoمَقِيسٌ↓, improperly written by some European scholars مُقَيَّسٌ.]
قَيَّاسٌ A man who practises قِيَاس [i. e. measurement, or comparison,, &c.,] much, or often. (TA.)
Also, i. q. قَوَّاسٌ, q. v. (TA.)
قَائِسٌ act. part. n. of 1.
One who measures the depth of a wound in the head [&c.] with a probe. (TA.)
مَقِيسٌ pass. part. n. of 1. You say, هُوَ مَقِيسٌ عَلَيْهِ [and بِهِ, meaning, He, or it, is a person, or thing, whereby others are measured; to which others are compared; an object of imitation; a model, an exemplar, or a standard]. (A, TA.)
مِقْيَاسٌ A measure, or thing with which anything is measured; syn. مِقْدَارٌ: (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ:) pl. مَقَايِيسُ. (A.) You say, قَاسَهُ بِٱلْمِقْيَاسِ [He measured it with the measuring-instrument]. (A.) And قَصُرَ مِقْيَاسُكَ فِى مِقْيَاسِى Thy measure (مِثَالُكَ) fell short of my measure. (TA.)
A probe with which the depth of a wound is measured. (A, TA.)
مِقْيَاسُ النِّيلِ The Nilometer. (TA.)
قَيَّاسٌ: see قَوَّاسٌ.
مَقِيسٌ (not مُقَيَّسٌ) Consistent with analogy.