2. ⇒ قصّى
قَصَّى: see قَصَّصَ.
5. ⇒ تقصّى
تَقَصَّى: see تَقَصَّصَ.
تَقَصَّى شُرْبَ المَآءِ فلم يسئر منه شيأ [He drank the water to the uttermost, not leaving any of it remaining]. (TA, in art. شف.)
10. ⇒ استقصى
اِسْتَقْصَى He went to the utmost length, or point, in a question, (Ḳ,) and in like manner you say, اِسْتَقْصَى الأَمْرَ andتَقَصَّاهُ↓. (TA.)
[He exhausted a subject.]
[He proceeded to extremities. He was, or became, extreme, in an action, &c.]
اِسْتَقْصَى مَسْأَلَتَهُ [He went to the utmost point in questioning him, or asking him,] respecting a thing, so as to draw forth the utmost that he possessed [of information respecting it]. (Ṣ, art. نص.)
اِسْتَقْصَى فِى المَسْأَلَةِ andتَقَصَّى↓ (Ṣ, Ḳ) both signify the same; (Ṣ;) ‡ He reached, or attained, [and elicited, and investigated,] the utmost [that was to be reached,, &c.] in the question: (Ḳ, TA:) and in like manner استقصى الأَمْرَ andتقصّاهُ↓ (TA) ‡ [He investigated, or searched, to the utmost the case, or affair;] he reached, or attained, the utmost of the case, or affair, in investigating it. (MA in explanation of the former phrase.)
اِسْتَقْصَى عِلْمَهُ He attained the utmost knowledge of it.
اِسْتَقْصَى مَا عِنْدَ نَاقَتِهِ مِنَ السَّيْرِ [He elicited, or exacted, the utmost of his she-camel's pace, or power of going on]. (TA, art. نص.)
اِسْتِقْصَآءٌ, metonymically, signifies ‡ The being niggardly, stingy, or avaricious. (Az, TA in art. دنق.)
اِسْتَقْصَيْتُ المَكَانَ [?] i. q. اِسْتَعْذَيْتُهُ. (TA in art. عذى.)
حُطْنِى القَصَا, and القَصَآءَ: and حَاطُونَا القَصَآءَ:, &c.: see art. حوط, and see 1 in art. حبو.
قُصْيَا is like دُنْيَا and عُلْيَا, with و changed into ى. (ISd in TA, voce بُقْوَى.)