بلد بلز بلس


طِينُ ٱلْإِبْلِيزِ The mud of Egypt; (Ḳ;) what the Nile leaves behind it after retiring from the surface of the ground: (TA:) a foreign word [arabicized, perhaps from the Greek πηλὸς, as suggested by De Sacy; who also remarks that it might be derived from the Greek ἰλὺς with the Egyptian masc. art. πι, were it not that ἰλὺς is fem.: (see his “Abd-allatif,” p. 8:) if we might suppose ابليز to be an old mistranscription for ايليز, we might with good reason derive it from ἰλὺς, which, as pronounced by the modern Greeks, very nearly resembles إِيلِيز in sound]: (Ḳ:) [some of] the vulgar pronounce it with س. (TA.)

Root: بلز - Entry: ٱلْإِبْلِيزِ Signification: A2

[Also applied to Clay; plastic clay; or potters' earth.]