وكح وكد وكر

1. ⇒ وكد

وَكَدَ, aor. يَكِدُ, inf. n. وُكُودٌ, He remained, continued, stayed, abode, or dwelt, (L, Ḳ,) بِمَكَانٍ in a place. (L.)

Root: وكد - Entry: 1. Dissociation: B
Root: وكد - Entry: 1. Dissociation: C

وَكَدَ أَمْرًا, (L, Ḳ,*) aor. يَكِدُ, inf. n. وَكْدٌ, (L,) He aimed at a thing; sought, endeavoured after, or pursued, it; desired it; intended it, or purposed it; syn. قَصَدَ (L, Ḳ) and طَلَبَ. (L.) See also below.

Root: وكد - Entry: 1. Signification: C2

وَكَدَ وَكْدَهُ He directed his course to, or towards, him, or it; or he pursued his (another's) course; syn. قَصَدَ قَصْدَهُ; (Ṣ, L, Ḳ;) doing as he did. (L.)

Root: وكد - Entry: 1. Signification: C3

وَكَدَ أَمْرًا, aor. and inf. n. as above, also signifies He laboured at, and endeavoured after, a thing. (L.)

Root: وكد - Entry: 1. Signification: C4

وَكَدَ, (L, Ḳ,) aor. يَكِدُ, inf. n. وَكْدٌ, (L,) i. q. أَصَابَ He, or it, did, or went, right; attained an object; hit, struck, smote, affected, hurt, befell; [&c.]. (L, Ḳ.)

2. ⇒ وكّد

وكّد, (Ṣ, L,) inf. n. تَوْكِيدٌ; (Ṣ, Ḳ;) [andوَكَدَ↓ as is implied in the Ḳ, but app. by the unintentional omission of the word وَكَّدَ;] andاوكد↓, inf. n. إِيكَادٌ; (Ṣ, L;) He made a horse's saddle, (Ṣ, L,) and a camel's, (L, Ḳ,) firm, fast, or strong; or bound or tied it firmly, fastly, or strongly; (Ṣ, L, Ḳ;) as also أَكَّدَ and آكَدَ: but more chaste with و. (Ṣ, L, Ḳ.*)

Root: وكد - Entry: 2. Signification: A2

Also, He confirmed, ratified, or corroborated, a compact, a contract, a covenant, or an engagement; as also اكّد (Ṣ, L, Ḳ) and آكد: but, in this sense also, more chaste with و; (Ṣ, L;) or in this sense more approved with أ: (L:) and in like manner وكّد he confirmed an oath: you say, إِذَا عَقَدْتَ فَأَكِّدْ وإِذَا حَلَفْتَ فَوَكِّدْ When thou makest a contract, ratify; and when thou swearest, confirm.

4. ⇒ اوكد

Root: وكد - Entry: 4. Signification: A2

أَوْكَدَتَاهُ يَدَاهُ His arms, or hands, exercised him with work. From a trad., relating to a seeker of knowledge. (L.)

5. ⇒ توكّد

توكّد الأَمْرُ and تأكّد signify the same, [The thing, or affair, became confirmed, ratified, or corroborated]. (Ṣ, L, Ḳ.*)


وَكْدٌ Desire; purpose; intention; aim; endeavour. (L, Ḳ.) See also 1.


وُكْدٌ Work; labour; exertion; endeavour. (L, Ḳ.) Ex. مَا زَالَ ذٰلِكَ وُكْدِى That ceased not to be my work, (L, Ḳ,) and endeavour. (L.)


وِكَادٌ A rope with which cows are tied on the occasion of milking. (Ṣ, L.)

Root: وكد - Entry: وِكَادٌ Signification: A2

Also وِكَادٌ and إِكَادٌ sings. of وَكَائِدُ [and أَكَائِدُ], (IDrd, L, Ḳ,) [pls. deviating from the constant course of speech in relation to the sings.; see art. أكد;] signifying, (i. e. the pls.,) Thongs, or straps, with which one binds (L, Ḳ) a camel's, or horse's saddle: (L:) or the thongs, or straps, by which the قَرَبُوس is bound to the two side-boards of a horse's saddle; (IDrd, L;) as alsoمَيَاكِيدُ↓ and تَآكِيدُ andتَوَكِيدُ↓; (Ḳ;) or these are called مياكيد, but not تواكيد: (L:) and it [مياكيد] is a pl. that has no [proper] sing. (TA.)


مُوَاكِدَةٌ A she-camel that strives, or exerts herself, in her progress, course, or pace. (Ḳ.)

مَيَاكِيدُ / تَوَكِيدُ

مَيَاكِيدُ and تَوَكِيدُ: see وِكَادٌ.


مُتَوَكِّدٌ بِأَمْرٍ, (L,) or لِأَمْرٍ, (Ḳ,) Standing ready, or prepared, for a thing, or an affair (L, Ḳ.)