نقه نقى نكأ

2. ⇒ نقّى

نَقَّاهُ He cleansed it; cleared it; picked it; purified it; removing from it what was bad. (Mṣb, &c.)

10. ⇒ استنقى

اِسْتَنْقَى He took extraordinary pains, or the utmost pains, in cleansing his body. (Mgh.) You say also, اِسْتَنْقَى الذَّكَرَ مِنَ البَوْلِ (Ḳ, art. برأ,) [He took extraordinary pains in cleansing the ذَكَر from urine: or] he cleansed the ذكر entirely from urine; syn. اِسْتَنْظَفَهُ. (TA in that art.)

Root: نقى - Entry: 10. Signification: A2

اِسْتِنْقَاءٌ: see voce اِسْتَبْرَأَ.


نِقْىٌ The pith of canes, or reeds: see ذِهْنٌ.

Root: نقى - Entry: نِقْىٌ Signification: A2

Somewhat of fat in a camel. (TA in art. طعم.)

Root: نقى - Entry: نِقْىٌ Signification: A3

And Marrow; i. q. مُخٌّ. (TA voce صُهَارَةٌ.)


بَنَاتُ النَّقَى, or النَّقَا, The حُلَكَة [or حُلْكَة]; to which the fingers (بَنَان) of virgins are likened: (T in art. بنى:) a certain small reptile, that dwells in sand, resembling a fish, smooth, and having a mixture of whiteness and redness; called also شَحْمَةُ النَّقَا. (TA.) See حُلَكَةٌ and شَحْمٌ.

Root: نقى - Entry: النَّقَى Signification: A2

نَقًا or نَقًى An extended gibbous piece of sand. (Ṣ,* Mṣb,* Ḳ.)


نُقَايَةٌ The extract, or refuse, of a thing: see عُصَارَةٌ.


مُنْقٍ, said of a sheep, Becoming a little fat: see سَاحٌّ.

Root: نقى - Entry: مُنْقٍ Signification: A2

A sieve, syn. غِرْبَالٌ. (TA, art. دوس.)


مُنَقِّيَةٌ A woman who trims the split palmstalks in mat-making: see شَطَبَ and شَاطِبَةٌ.