فوج فوح فوخ

1. ⇒ فوحفاح

فَاحَ المِسْكُ, (Mṣb, Ḳ,) aor. يَفُوحُ and يَفِيحُ; (Mṣb;) or فَاحَتْ رِيحُ المِسْكِ, aor. تَفُوحُ and تَفِيحُ; (Ṣ;) inf. n. فَوْحٌ (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ) and فُؤُوحٌ and فَوَحَانُ, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) and فَيْحٌ (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ) and فَيَحَانٌ; (Ṣ, Ḳ;) The musk diffused [or exhaled] its odour; (Mṣb, Ḳ;) or the odour of the musk diffused itself [or became exhaled]; and فاح الطِّيبُ the perfume diffused [or exhaled] its odour; (Ṣ;) or this last signifies the perfume became perceptible; or it clung and remained; [in a garment or person;] syn. عَبِقَ: (Mṣb in art. فيح:) the verb is not used in relation to a foul, or disagreeable odour or thing: (Ṣ, A, Mṣb, Ḳ:) of such an odour one says هَبَّتْ: (Mṣb:) or the former verb is common to both: (Ḳ:) but this assertion is outweighed [by the other]: (TA:) فَوْخٌ signifies the giving forth, and exhaling, a sweet, or pleasant, odour: (KL:) and the perceiving such an odour: Fr says that فَاحَتْ رِيحُهُ and فَاخَتْ are syn.; but AZ says the فَوْخٌ is attended by sound. (TA.)

Root: فوح - Entry: 1. Signification: A2

For other significations of this verb, see art. فيح.

4. ⇒ افوحافاح

6. ⇒ تفاوح

نَزَلْنَا فِى بُسْتَانٍ تَنَاوَحَتْ أَطْيَارُهُ وَتَفَاوَحَتْ أَنْوَارُهُ [We alighted in a garden the birds of which warbled plaintively, one to another, and the flowers of which exhaled sweet odours, one with another]. (A.)


فَوْحٌ الحَيْضِ The chief and first portion of the menstrual discharge. (L.)


فَوْحَةٌ [A spreading, or an exhalation], of perfume. (TA in art. عصر.)