فسل فسو فش

1. ⇒ فسوفسى

فَسَا, (aor. يَفْسُو, Mṣb,) inf. n. فَسْوٌ (Ṣ, M, Mṣb, Ḳ) and فُسَآءٌ, (M, Ḳ,) or this latter is a simple subst., (Ṣ, Mṣb,) He emitted a noiseless wind [or a puff of wind] (Mṣb, Ḳ, TA) from his anus. (Ḳ,* TA.) [Hence the saying, فَسَابَيْنَنَا الظَّرِبَانُ, or بَيْنَهُم, expl. in art. ظرب.]

6. ⇒ تفاسوتفاسى

تفاسى, said of a man, He protruded his posteriors: (M, TA:) and تَفَاسَتْ, said of the [beetle called] خُنْفَسَآء, It protruded its podex for the purpose of emitting a noiseless wind: (Ṣ, TA:) but Aṣ says that it is with hemz. (TA. See 6 in art. فسأ.)



الفُسَاةُ: see the paragraph here following.


فَسْوَةٌ [is the inf. n. of unity of فَسَا, as such signifying A single noiseless emission of wind from the anus: and] has for its pl. [فَسَوَاتٌ, agreeably with rule, and also] فُسًى, which is [anomalous,] like شُهًى pl. of شَهْوَةٌ, which see. (TA.)

Root: فسو - Entry: فَسْوَةٌ Signification: A2

لَيْسَ لَهُ إِلَّا فَسْوَةُ الضَّبُعِ [the lit. signification of which is sufficiently plain] occurs in a trad. as meaning † There is not any benefit, or profit, or utility, attributable to it; [or rather, it is worse than useless;] the ضبع [or hyena] being particularized because of its stupidity and its evil nature: or, some say, it [i. e. فسوة الضبع, and app.الفُسَاةُ↓ also (mentioned among the addenda to this art. in the TA),] is a plant (شَجَرَةٌ) like the خَشخَاش [or poppy], from the fruit of which no great utility is derived: so says IAth. (TA.) [See also خَمْطٌ, in two places.]

Root: فسو - Entry: فَسْوَةٌ Signification: A3

فَسَوَاتُ الضِّبَاعِ is an appellation of Certain truffles (كَمْأَةٌ); (Ḳ;) a species of كَمْأَة; (M;) said by AḤn to be the species thereof called القَعْبَلُ; (M, TA;) and the like is said in the Minháj; and further, that it is a plant of disagreeable odour, having a head which is cooked, and eaten with milk; and when it dries, there comes forth from it what resembles وَرْس [q. v.]. (TA.)


فَسَآءٌ an inf. n. of 1; (M, Ḳ;) or a subst. therefrom [signifying A noiseless wind from the anus]. (Ṣ, Mṣb.)


فَسُوٌّ A man who often emits a noiseless wind from the anus; (Ṣ, M, Ḳ;) as alsoفَسَّآءٌ↓. (M, Ḳ.)


فُسَيَّةٌ [originally فُسَيْوَةٌ] dim. of فَسْوَةٌ. (TA.)


فَسَّآءٌ: see فَسُوٌّ.

Root: فسو - Entry: فَسَّآءٌ Signification: A2

And الفَسَّآءَةُ: see what here follows.


الفَاسِيَةُ (Ṣ, M, Ḳ) andالفَاسِيَآءُ↓ (M, Ḳ) andالفَسَّآءَةُ↓ (TA) The [beetle called] خُنْفَسَآء; (Ṣ, M, Ḳ;) which emits a noiseless wind, and makes the party to stink by its foul odour: (M:) the pl. of the first is الفَوَاسِى. (TA.) Hence the prov., أَفْحَشُ مِنْ فَاسِيَةٍ i. e. [More foul than] a خنفساء. (Ṣ, M.)


الفَاسِيَآءُ: see the next preceding paragraph.

Root: فسو - Entry: الفَاسِيَآءُ Signification: A2

[اِبْنُ الفَاسِيَآءِ is an appellation of The insect called قَرَنْبَى, resembling the beetle called خُنْفَسَآء, or somewhat larger than the latter, with long hind legs, and with a speckled back: for القَرَنْبَى, as the explanation of ا, the TA, in art. بنى, has القرينى; and the TT, in that art., as from the T,. الفُرَنَى: what I have here substituted for these is evidently, in my opinion, right.]


أَفْسَى مِنَ الظَّرِبَانِ [More wont to emit noiseless wind from the anus than the ظربان, a small stinking beast, described in art. ظرب,] is a saying of the Arabs. (TA.)


المَفْسَى The anus [as being the place of emission of the فُسَآء]. (TA.) مَا أَقْرَبَ مَحْسَاهُ مِنْ مَفْسَاهُ [How near is his mouth to his anus!] is a prov. [expressive of wonder at a man's shortness: see مَحْسًى, in art. حسو]. (Ṣ.)