ظن ظنب ظنى


ظِنْبٌ The root, or lower part, or stem, (أَصْل,) of a tree. (IAạr, T, Ḳ.)


ظُنْبَةٌ A sinew (عَقَبَة) that is wound over the extremities of the feathers of an arrow, next the notch. (AḤn, M, Ḳ.)


ظُنْبُوبٌ The edge of the shin: (Ḳ:) or the tough edge of the shin: or the external part of the shank: (M, TA:) or the shin-bone: or the edge of the shin-bone: (M, Ḳ:) or the tough bone in the fore part of the shank: (Ṣ:) but accord. to AZ, this term is not used in relation to animals that have أَوْظِفَة: [see وَظِيفٌ:] (T, TA:) pl. ظَنَابِيبُ. (Ṣ, M, Ḳ.) عَارِى الظَّنَابِيبِ Without flesh upon the shins (TA) is an epithet applied to a male ostrich. (Ṣ, TA.) قَرَعَ ظُنْبُوبَ البَعِيرِ means He knocked, or struck, the shin of the camel, that he might lie down, and he might mount him: or قَرْعُ الظُّنْبُوبِ signifies a man's knocking, or striking, the shin of his camel with his stick when he makes him lie down that he may mount him, as one in haste to betake himself to a thing: or striking the shin of his beast with his whip, [in the TA is here added ليترقه, which I can only suppose to be put for لِيُبْرِكَهُ, to make him lie down,] when he desires to mount him. (TA.) [See an ex. voce عُرْقُوبٌ. Hence,] قَرَعَ فُلَانٌ لِأَمْرِهِ ظُنْبُوبَهُ[Such a one struck his shin to betake himself to his affair] means such a one applied himself to his affair with diligence, or energy. (T, L, TA.) Selámeh Ibn-Jendel says,

* كُنَّا إِذَا مَا أَتَانَا صَارِخٌ فَزِعٌ *
* كَانَ الصُّرَاخُ لَهُ قَرْعَ الظَّنَابِيبِ *

[We were (such that), when there came to us one crying aloud, in terror, the clamour (returned) to him was the striking of the shins;] by which he is said to mean that a quick reply was given; calling the striking of the whip upon the leg of the boot, in urging on the horse, “the striking of the shin.” (Ṣ.) You also say, قَرَعَ لِذٰلِكَ الأَمْرِ ظُنْبُوبَهُ meaning † He prepared himself for that affair, or thing: and agreeably with this signification the verse of Selámeh cited above has been explained. (M, TA.) And قَرَعَ ظَنَابِيبَ الأَمْرِHe made, or rendered, the affair manageable. (M, Ḳ, TA.) A poet, cited by IAạr, says,

* قَرَعْتُ ظَنَابِيبَ الْهَوَى يَوْمَ عَالِجٍ *

I subdued love, or subjected it to my will, on the day of 'Álij;. as though I struck it on the shins; as a camel's shin is struck when one desires him to lie down, that he may mount him. (M, TA.)

Root: ظنب - Entry: ظُنْبُوبٌ Signification: A2

ظُنْبُوبٌ also signifies A nail that is in the جُبَّة of a spear-head, [i. e., in the part into which the shaft enters,] (M, Ḳ,) where it is fixed upon the upper extremity of the shaft: and ظَنَابِيب has been said to be the pl. of the word in this sense in the verse of Selámeh cited above. (M, TA.)