طيل طين ظ

1. ⇒ طينطان

طَانَهُ, aor. يَطِينُ, (Ṣ,* Mṣb,) inf. n. طَيْنٌ; (Mṣb;) orطيّنهُ↓, (Ṣ, MA, Ḳ,) but some disapprove this, (Ṣ,) or this denotes intensiveness and muchness; (Mṣb;) He plastered it, or coated it, with طِين [i. e. clay, or mud], (Ṣ,* MA, Mṣb, Ḳ,*) namely, a roof, or flat housetop, (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ,) and a house, or chamber, (Mṣb,) or a wall. (MA.)

Root: طين - Entry: 1. Signification: A2

And the former, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) and the latter also, (TA,) He sealed it with طِين [i. e. clay], namely, a writing; (Ṣ, Ḳ, TA;) and soأَطَانَهُ↓. (TA in art. عنى.)

Root: طين - Entry: 1. Signification: A3

And [hence,] طَانَهُ ٱللّٰهُ عَلَى الخَيْرِGod created him with an adaptation, or a disposition, to that which is good; adapted him, or disposed him, by creation, or nature, thereto; (Ṣ, Mṣb;) as also طَامَهُ: so says ISk, and he cites as an ex.,

* أَلَا تِلْكَ نَفْسٌ طِينَ فِيهَا حَيَاؤُهَا *

(Ṣ) meaning [Verily that is a soul] of which the sense of shame is the natural quality. (TA.)

Root: طين - Entry: 1. Signification: A4

And طان, said of a man, signifies also حَسَّنَ عَمَلَهُ [i. e. He made his work, or deed, good; he performed, or executed, his deed, or work, well]; as also طَامَ: thus expl. by IAạr: in the Ḳ, the former is erroneously expl. as meaning حَسَّنَ عَمَلَ الطِّينِ. (TA.)

2. ⇒ طيّن

4. ⇒ اطيناطان

5. ⇒ تطيّن

تطيّن He (a man, TA) became defiled, or besmeared, with طِين [i. e. clay, earth, or mud]. (Ḳ, TA.)


يَوْمٌ طَانٌ, (Ṣ,) and مَكَانٌ طَانٌ, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) and أَرْضٌ طَانَةٌ, (Ṣ,) [A day, and a place, and a land,] in which is much طِين [meaning mud]. (Ṣ, Ḳ.)

Root: طين - Entry: طَانٌ Dissociation: B


طِينٌ a word of well-known meaning, (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ, TA,) of which طَانٌ↓ is a dial. var.; (TA;) Clay, earth, mould, soil, or mud: (MA, KL, &c.:) it differs in different layers, or strata, of the earth; the best is the pure, unmixed with sand, remaining after the subsiding of the waters; and the best of this is that of Egypt, which has a peculiar property of preventing plague, or pestilence, and the corruption of water into which it is thrown: it is of several sorts; among which are الطِّينُ المَخْتُومُ [Terra sigillata, or Lemnian earth], and الطِّينُ الأَرْمَنِىُّ [Armenian bole], &c.: (TA:) طِينَةٌ↓ has a more particular signification, (Ṣ, Mṣb,) meaning a piece, or portion, thereof, (Ḳ, TA,) [as a piece of clay] with which a [writing of the kind termed] صَكّ and the like are sealed. (TA.) [Hence,] شَهْوَةُ الطِّينِ [The longing for clay; a sort of malacia]. (TA voce حُمَّاضٌ.) And اِبْنُ الطِّينِ Adam. (T in art. بنى.)


طِينَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

Root: طين - Entry: طِينَةٌ Signification: A2

Also [† A material substance considered as that of which a thing having form consists.]

Root: طين - Entry: طِينَةٌ Signification: A3

[And hence,] ‡ The natural, or native, constitution or disposition. (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ.) One says, هُوَ مِنَ الطِّينَةِ الأُولَى[app. meaning He is of the primitive kind of natural constitution or disposition]. (Ṣ, TA.) And إِنَّهُ لَيَابِسُ الطِّينَةِ[Verily he is tough in respect of natural constitution or disposition;] meaning he is not easy [in disposition]. (TA.)


[طِينِىٌّ Of, or relating to, الطِّين i. e. clay, &c.; clayey, earthy,, &c.]

Root: طين - Entry: طِينِىٌّ Signification: A2

[And † Of, or relating to الطِّينَة i. e. the natural, or native, constitution or disposition; natural, or native.]


طِيَانَةٌ The art of working in, or with, طِين [or clay, &c.; and particularly the art of plastering with clay, or mud]. (Ḳ.)


طَيَّانٌ A worker in, or with, طِين [or clay, &c.; and particularly a plasterer with clay or mud]. (TA.) [طَيَّانُ, imperfectly decl., belongs to art. طوى.]


مَطِينٌ A roof, or flat house-top, [&c.,] plastered, or coated, with طِين [i. e. clay, or mud]. (Ṣ, Ḳ.)