سيح سيخ سيد

1. ⇒ سيخساخ

سَاخَ, aor. يَسِيخُ, inf. n. سَيْخٌ and سَيَخَانٌ, i. q. رَسَخَ and ثَاخَ [both app. as signifying It sank into the ground: or by the former may here be meant it was, or became, firm, steady, steadfast, stable, fixed, fast, settled, or established]. (Ḳ.) See also 1 in art. سوخ, in two places.


سِيَاخٌ A building of clay, (JK, TḲ,) of any kind: (JK:) pl. سُيُوخٌ. (JK, TḲ.) In the copies of the Ḳ, بُنَاةُ الطِّينِ is erroneously put for بِنَآءُ الطِّينِ. (TḲ.)