سفرجل سفط سفع

1. ⇒ سفط

سَفُطَ, aor. ـُ {يَسْفُطُ}, (M, Ḳ,) inf. n. سَفَاطَةٌ, (M, TA,) He was, or became, cheerful, happy, or free from straitness, in mind: liberal, bountiful, or munificent. (M, Ḳ, TA.)

4. ⇒ اسفط

مَاأَسْفَطَ نَفْسَهُ عَنْكَ How pleased, or content, is his mind to give thee up, or relinquish thee! syn. مَا أَطْيَبَهَا. (IAạr, Ḳ.)

5. ⇒ تسفّط

تسفّط الخَمْرَ It (a jar) drank up, or absorbed, the greater part of the wine. (Ḳ.)

8. ⇒ استفط

اِسْتِفَاطٌ The drinking up entirely [what is in a vessel]; syn. اِشْتِفَافٌ. (Ḳ.)


سَفَطٌ A thing (M, Mgh, Mṣb, Ḳ) like a جُوَالِق [or sack], (M, Ḳ,) or like a قُفَّة [or basket woven of palm-leaves], (Ḳ,) in which are stowed perfume and similar things, (Mgh, Mṣb, TA,) of the apparatus of women: (Mgh, TA:) an Arabic word, well known: (TA:) pl. أَسْفَاطٌ. (Ṣ, M, Mgh, Mṣb, Ḳ.)

Root: سفط - Entry: سَفَطٌ Signification: A2

And hence, ‡ A casket, or small chest. (Mgh.) It is related that an Arab of the desert, passing by at the burial of Moḥammad, asked why they had not placed the Apostle of God in a سَفَط of brown aloes-wood encased with gold. (TA.)


سَفِيطٌ Cheerful, happy, or free from straitness, in mind: liberal, bountiful, or munificent. (Ṣ, M, Ḳ.) You say, هُوَسَفِطُ النَّفْسِ He is cheerful, happy, or free from straitness, and liberal, in mind: (TA:) or cheerful, or brisk, to do what is kind or beneficent. (Aṣ.) And نَفْسُهُ سَفِيطَةٌ بِكَذَا [His mind is pleased, or content, with such a thing]. (TA.)

Root: سفط - Entry: سَفِيطٌ Dissociation: B

Vile, or mean, and despised in all his circumstances: (M, Ḳ:) a man, (IAạr, M, Ḳ,) or thing, (IAạr, M,) of no estimation. (IAạr, M, Ḳ.) Thus it has two contr. significations. (Ḳ.)

Root: سفط - Entry: سَفِيطٌ Signification: B2

What drop from the tree, of green unripe dates. (M, L, Ḳ.[المُتَسافِطُ in the CK is a mistake for المُتَسَا قِطُ.])

Root: سفط - Entry: سَفِيطٌ Dissociation: C

أَمْوالُهُمْ سَفِيطَةٌ بَيْنَهُمْ Their possessions are mixed among them. (AZ, Ṣ.)


سُفَاطَةٌ The goods, or utensils and furniture, of a house or tent. (IDrd, Ṣ, [but wanting in one copy,] M, Ḳ.)


سَفَّاطٌ A maker of what is called سَفَط. (TA.)


إِسْفَنْطٌ, (Ṣ, M, Ḳ,) so in the handwriting of J, (TA,) and إِسْفِنْطٌ, (M, Ḳ,) also written with ص, (Aṣ, and Ḳ in art. صفط,) Perfumed juice of grapes: (M, L, Ḳ:) or wine in which are aromatics: (TA:) or the upper part of wine; (AO, M, Ḳ;) the clear part thereof; (AO, TA;) so called because the jars (دِنَان) have drunk up, or absorbed, the greater portion of it, (Ḳ, TA,) the clear part remaining; (TA;) or from سَفِيطٌ in the first of the senses assigned to it above: (IAạr, Ḳ:) or various wines mixed together: (TA:) or it signifies a certain sort of beverage or wine: and is a Persian word, [originally إِسْفَنْدٌ,] arabicized: (Ṣ, Ḳ:) or, accord. to Aṣ, a Greek word, (Ṣ, M,) signifying wine: (TA:) if not Arabic, all its letters are radicals: and Sb says that it is a quinqueliteral-radical word, like إِصْطَبْلٌ. (TA.)


مُسَفَّطُ الرَّأْسِ A man having a head like a سَفَط. (IAạr, Ḳ.)