سرى سسب سسم


سَاسَبٌ andسَيْسَبٌ↓, (M, Ḳ,) i. q. سَبْسَبٌ, with two ب s, (L, TA,) the second of which is commonly pronounced سِيسب, and by some سيسم, (TA,) A kind of tree, (M, Ḳ,) a kind of lofty tree, (TA,) of which arrows are made, (M, Ḳ, TA,) and bows. (TA.) In the saying of Rubeh,

*رَاحَتْ وَرَاحَ كَعِصِىِّ السَّيْسَابٌ↓ *

[She went, and he went, like the rods of the seysáb, (of which see another reading voce سَبْسَبٌ, in art. سب,) meaning, like arrows], it may be that السيساب is a dial. var. of السَّيْسَب, or it may be that the ا is added for the sake of the rhyme like as it is in العَقْرَاب in a verse cited in art. عقرب. (M. [Accord. to the Ḳ and TA,السَّيْسَاب↓ is used by Ru-beh for السَّيْسَبَان: but this is evidently a mistake.])


سَيْسَبٌ: see the preceding paragraph:

Root: سسب - Entry: سَيْسَبٌ Signification: A2

سَيْسَبَا / سَيْسَبَى / سَيْسَبًى / سَيْسَبَآءُ

سَيْسَبَا and سَيْسَبَى and سَيْسَبًى and سَيْسَبَآءُ: see the paragraph that next follows.


سَيْسَبَانٌ andسَيْسَبَى↓, (Ḳ,) or the former andسَيْسَبَآءُ↓, which is mentioned by Th, (M,) A kind of tree; (M, Ḳ;) accord. to AḤn, it grows from its seeds, and becomes tall, but does not endure the winter; it has leaves like those of the دِفْلَى [q. v.], beautiful; people sow it in the gardens, desiring its beauty; and it has a produce like the oblong pericarps (خَرَائِط) of sesame, but thinner: (M, TA:) AḤn adds that, when its pericarps dry, it makes a rustling sound (a sound such as is termed خَشْخَشَة) [in the wind], like the [species of cassia called] عِشْرِق: (TA:) [the sesbania Aegytiaca of Persoon; æschynomene sesban of Linn.; (Delile, Flor. Aegypt. Illustr., no. 682;) dolichos sesban of Forskål (in his Flora Aegypt. Arab, p. lxx., no. 362):] AHn further says, وَحَكَى الفَرَّآءُ فِيهِ سَيْسَبًا: (M, TA:) [this may perhaps mean that Fr has mentioned, as a var. of this word, سَيْسَبٌ↓, as it is in the accus. case: but I think that the right reading is سَيْسَبًى↓, and also سَيْسَبَى, (which last has been mentioned above on the authority of the Ḳ,) for it is immediately added in the TA, “it is masc. and fem.,” app. indicating that it is with, and without, tenween: then it is there further and strangely added, “it is brought from India:”] a rájiz uses the form السَّيْسَبَا↓, at the end of a verse, for السَّيْسَبَانَ, necessarily eliding [the ن for the sake of the rhyme]. (M, TA.)


سَيْسَابٌ: see the first paragraph, in two places.