سخت سخد سخر


سُخْدٌ [The matter contained in the secundines;] a yellow, thick water [or fluid], that comes forth with the fœtus; (Ṣ, M, Ḳ;) as also سُخْتٌ: (M, TA:) hence, in a trad., the appearance upon the face produced by excitement from remaining awake during the night is termed, by way of comparison, سُخْد upon the face: (Ṣ,* L:) or blood and water in the membrane that envelops the fœtus of a beast: or what comes forth with the membrane that envelops the fœtus: said to be peculiar to the human species: or common to the human species and beasts: (L:) or the water [or fluid] in that membrane; as also سُخْتٌ and نُخْطٌ and فَقْءٌ: (IAạr, TA in art. فقأ:) or [the placenta; i. e.] a thing like the liver, or like the spleen, compact, which is in the membrane that envelops the fœtus of a beast: sometimes children play with it: or that membrane itself: and i. q. رَهَلٌ [which is expl. as meaning yellow water in the سُخْدٍ, and it is also the inf. n. of رَهِلَ, q. v.]: and صُخْدٌ is a dial. var. thereof in all its senses, those above mentioned and those following. (L.)

Root: سخد - Entry: سُخْدٌ Signification: A2

Also The urine of a camel's fœtus (فَصِيل) in its mother's belly. (L.)

Root: سخد - Entry: سُخْدٌ Signification: A3

And † Yellowness in the face [as in the trad. above mentioned]. (L.)


مُسَخَّدٌHaving the stomach in a heaving state, agitated by a tendency to vomit, or disordered; (Ḳ;) yellow, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) heavy, (Ṣ,) and swollen, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) by disease or by some other cause. (TA.)