سحو سخب سخبر

1. ⇒ سخب

سَخَبٌ [inf. n. of سَخِبَ] i. q. صَخَبٌ [inf. n. of صَخِبَ], (A, Ḳ,) signifying The raising a loud cry, or a clamour: (TA:) or it [is used as a subst., and] signifies a confusion of sounds. (Mgh, MF, TA.) The substitution of س for ص is allowable in every word containing خ: [for instance,] in a trad. [cited voce خَشَبٌ, q. v., as some relate it], the hypocrites are described as خُشُبٌ بِاللَّيْلِ سُخُبٌ بِالنَّهَارِ. (TA.)


سِخَابٌ A necklace (قِلَادَة) made of [the composition termed] سُكّ and of other things, without any jewels: (Ṣ:) or a قِلَادَة of cloves and سُكّ and مَحْلَب [q. v.], without jewels, (A, Ḳ, TA,) and without pearls: and likewise, of gold: and of silver: or, accord. to Az, it is, with the Arabs, any قِلَادَة, whether with jewels or without: accord. to IAth, a string on which are strung beads, worn by boys and by girls: (TA:) it is thus called because of the sound of its beads when in motion: (MF, TA:) pl. سُخُبٌ. (Ṣ, Ḳ.) [Hence] one says, وَجَدْتُكَ وَارِثَ السِّخَابِ [I have found thee to be the inheritor of the سخاب], meaning, ‡ like the boy that has no knowledge. (A, TA.)