ذعب ذعر ذعف

1. ⇒ ذعر

ذَعَرَهُ, aor. ـَ {يَذْعَرُ}; inf. n. ذَعْرٌ; (Ṣ, A, Mṣb, Ḳ;) andاذعرهُ↓, (TA,) inf. n. إِذْعَارٌ; (Ḳ;) He frightened him; made him afraid. (Ṣ, A, Mgh, Mṣb, Ḳ, TA.) Hence, قُمْ فَأْتِ القَوْمَ وَلَا تَذْعَرْهُمْ عَلَىَّ Arise thou, and go to the people, meaning Kureysh, but do not make them to be frightened at me; i. e. do not acquaint them with thyself, but go clandestinely, lest they take fright at thee: said to Hodheyfeh, on the night of the Ahzáb [on the occasion of the war of the Moat]: so in a trad.: and in another trad. is mentioned the fol lowing saying of ʼOmar, to some men contending together in throwing colocynths: كَذٰلِكَ لَا تَذْعَرُوا عَلَيْنَا, meaning, Let that suffice you: make not our camels to be frightened at us. (TA.)

Root: ذعر - Entry: 1. Signification: A2

ذُعِرَ, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) inf. n. ذَعْرٌ; (TA;) andانذعر↓; (TA;) [and app.تذعّر↓; of which see the act. part. n., below;] He became frightened, or afraid. (Ṣ, Ḳ, TA.) [You say, ذُعِرَ مِنْهُ He was frightened at him, or it.]

4. ⇒ اذعر

5. ⇒ تذعّر

تَذَعَّرَ: see 1.

7. ⇒ انذعر


ذُعْرٌ Fright. (Ṣ,* Mgh, Mṣb,* Ḳ.)


ذَعَرٌ A state of stupefaction, (Ḳ,) by reason of shame, or pudency. (TA.)


ذَعِرٌ, a possessive epithet, (T, TA,) orذُعَرٌ↓, (Ḳ,) A thing feared; a frightful thing. (T, Ḳ.)

Root: ذعر - Entry: ذَعِرٌ Signification: A2


ذُعَرٌ: see ذَعِرٌ


ذَعْرَةٌ A fright. (TA.)


ذُعَرَةٌ [an intensive epithet, Very fearful.]

Root: ذعر - Entry: ذُعَرَةٌ Signification: A2

[And hence,] A certain bird, (Ḳ,) a small bird, (T,) found in trees, always wagging its tail, (T, Ḳ,) never seen otherwise than frightened. (T, TA.)


سَنَةٌ ذُعْرِيَّةٌ A severe year. (A, Ḳ.)


ذَعُورٌ: see مَذْعُورٌ.

Root: ذعر - Entry: ذَعُورٌ Signification: A2

Also, [without ة,] A woman who becomes frightened at a thing that induces suspicion, or evil opinion, (Ṣ, A, Mṣb, Ḳ,) and at foul language. (Ḳ, TA: or, accord. to the CK and a MṢ. copy of the Ḳ, “foul language” is a distinct signification of the word.) A poet says,

* تَنُولَ بِمَعْرُفِ الحَدِيثِ وَإِنْ تُرِدْ *
* سِوَى ذَاكَ تُذْعَرْ مِنْكَ وَهْىَ ذَعُورُ *

[She will give thee kind discourse; but if thou desire other than that, she will be frightened at thee; for she is one who is frightened at a thing inducing suspicion, &c.]. (TA.)

Root: ذعر - Entry: ذَعُورٌ Signification: A3

Also A she-camel which, when her udder is touched, takes fright, and will not yield her milk. (So accord. to two copies of the Ṣ. [Expl. by إِذَا مُسَّ ضَرعُهَاغَارَّتْ; and so in some copies of the Ḳ and accord. to the TA: in a copy of the A, عَارَتْ, which has a similar meaning: in some 'copies of the Ḳ, غَارَتْ, without teshdeed, i. e., is jealous.])


مُذْعَرَةٌ: see the next paragraph.


مَذْعُورٌ Frightened; or that becomes frightened; (Ṣ, A, Ḳ;) as alsoذَعِرٌ↓ (A) andذَعُورٌ↓ (Ḳ) andمُنْذَعِرٌ↓, (M, TA,) orمُتَذَعِّرٌ↓. (Ḳ.)

Root: ذعر - Entry: مَذْعُورٌ Signification: A2

مَذْعُورَةٌ, andمُذْعَرَةٌ↓, (Ḳ, TA,) orمُذَعَّرَةٌ↓, (so in the CK, and a MṢ. copy of the Ḳ,) A mad she-camel. (Ḳ.)


مُذَعَّرَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.


مُتَذَعِّرٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.


مُنْذَعِرٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.