خوت خوخ خود


خَوْخٌ [The peach, or peaches;] a well-known kind of fruit, (Ḳ, TA,) which is eaten; (TA;) i. q. دُرَاقِنٌ: (Ḳ in art. درقن:) sing., (Ḳ,) or n. un., (Ṣ,) خَوْخَةٌ↓. (Ṣ, Ḳ.)

Root: خوخ - Entry: خَوْخٌ Dissociation: B


خَوْخَةٌ: see above.

Root: خوخ - Entry: خَوْخَةٌ Dissociation: B

Also An aperture (Ṣ, A, Mgh, Ḳ) in a wall, (Ṣ, A, Mgh,) admitting the light (Ṣ, A, Ḳ) to a house, or chamber. (Ḳ.)

Root: خوخ - Entry: خَوْخَةٌ Signification: B2

A passage (مُخْتَرَقٌ) between any two houses, not having a door, or gate: (Ḳ:) of the dial. of El-Ḥijáz; (TA;) [and of Egypt, where it is applied to a lane leading from one street or quarter to another: coll. gen. n. خَوْخٌ↓:] accord. to some, a passage (مُخْتَرَقٌ) between any two things: and a small door-way between two houses, or chambers, with a door affixed to it. (L.)

Root: خوخ - Entry: خَوْخَةٌ Signification: B3

A wicket, or small door, (A, Mgh,) in a large door. (A.) [Golius, as on the authority of Meyd, explains it as meaning Fenestella in medio januæ.]

Root: خوخ - Entry: خَوْخَةٌ Signification: B4

[Also applied to A sluice in a rivulet: see دَرَقَةٌ.]

Root: خوخ - Entry: خَوْخَةٌ Signification: B5

‡ The anus; syn. دُبُرٌ. (Ḳ, TA.)

Root: خوخ - Entry: خَوْخَةٌ Dissociation: C

A kind of green garment: (Az, Ḳ:) of the dial. of Mekkeh. (TA.)