جدع جدف جدل

1. ⇒ جدف

جَدَفَهُ, aor. ـِ {يَجْدِفُ}, (IDrd, Ḳ,) inf. n. جَدْفٌ, (TA,) He cut it; or cut it off: (IDrd, Ḳ:) and so جَذَفَهُ. (TA.)

Root: جدف - Entry: 1. Dissociation: B

جَدَفَ, (Ks, Ṣ, Ḳ,) aor. ـِ {يَجْدِفُ}, (Ks, IDrd, Ṣ,) inf. n. جُدُوفٌ, (Ks, Ṣ, Ḳ,) or جَدْفٌ, (L as on the authority of Ks,) He (a bird) flew [with his wings] clipped, appearing as though he turned his wings backward: (Ks, Ṣ, Ḳ:) or contracted his wing somewhat, in order to descend in his flight, and then inclined, or declined, in fear of the hawk: (TA:) and he (a bird) went quickly, (Ḳ in art. جذف,) with his wings; generally when one of the wings had been shortened; (TA;) as alsoاجدف↓ andانجدف↓: and so, all, with ذ. (Ḳ ib.)

Root: جدف - Entry: 1. Signification: B2

[Hence,] جَدَفَ المَلَّاحُ بِالمِجْدَافِ [The sailor rowed, or paddled, with the oar, or paddle]. (AA, TA.) And جَدَفَ بِالسَّفِينَةِ, (TA,) or جَدَفَ السَّفِينَةَ, aor. ـِ {يَجْدِفُ}, inf. n. جَدْفٌ, (Mgh,) [He rowed, or paddled, the ship, or boat;] he put the ship, or boat, in motion with the مِجْدَف [or مِجْدَاف]. (Mgh.)

Root: جدف - Entry: 1. Signification: B3

Also جَدَفَ He (a man) swung the arms; (Ḳ, expl. by ضَرَبَ بِاليَدَيْنِ; in the O, بِاليَدِ, as is said in the TA;) as a man does in walking, moving them about: and the meaning seems to be, he walked quickly: (TA:) you say, جَدَفَ فِى مِشْيَتِهِ he (a man) was quick in his manner of walking; (AAF, TA;) and so with ذ: (Ṣ in art. جذف:) or جَدْفٌ signifies a repeated interrupting of the voice (تَقْطِيعُ الصَّوْتِ) in singing to camels to urge or excite them. (Ḳ,* TA.)

Root: جدف - Entry: 1. Signification: B4

Also, (Ḳ,) inf. n. جَدْفٌ, (TA,) He (a gazelle) went, or walked, with short steps. (Ḳ,* TA.) And جَدَفَتْ She (a woman) walked like those that are short: and she (a gazelle, and a woman, TA) went with short steps; as alsoاجدفت↓: and so, both, with ذ. (Ḳ in art. جذف.)

Root: جدف - Entry: 1. Signification: B5

جَدَفَتِ السَّمَآءُ بِالثَّلْجِ The sky cast down snow: (Ḳ:) and so with ذ. (TA.)

2. ⇒ جدّف

جدّف, (Ṣ,) inf. n. تَجْدِيفٌ, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) He denied, or disacknowledged, favours, or benefits; or was ungrateful, or unthankful, for them: (Aṣ, Ṣ, Ḳ:) or he deemed the gifts of God small: (El-Umawee, Ṣ, Ḳ:) or he said that he was in an evil state when he was in a good state: (TA:) or he said, لَيْسَ لِى وَلَيْسَ عِنْدِى [app. meaning There is nothing due to me nor by me]; (Ḳ;) thus explained by Moḥammad on his saying that the worst of deeds is التَّجْدِيف: (TA:) [accord. to Golius, he blasphemed; and identified by him, in this sense, with the Hebr. גִּדֵּף.] It is said in a trad., لَا تُجَدِّفُوا بِنِعْمَةِ ٱللّٰهِ (Ṣ, TA) Deny not ye, or disacknowledge not, or be not ungrateful or unthankful for, the bounty of God, and deem it not small. (TA.)

4. ⇒ اجدف

see 1, in two places.

Root: جدف - Entry: 4. Dissociation: B

اجدفوا They raised cries, shouts, noises, a clamour, or confused cries or shouts or noises. (Ḳ, TA.)

7. ⇒ انجدف


جَدَفٌ A grave; a sepulchre; (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ;) like جَدَثٌ; for the Arabs made ف and ث interchangeable: (Fr, Ṣ:) the former is of the dial. of Nejd; and the latter, of the dial. of Tihámeh: (Mṣb in art. جدث:) [accord. to some,] the former is formed from the latter by substitution [of ف for ث]: (Ṣ:) IJ argues that this is the case because the former has not أَجْدَافٌ for pl.: (TA:) but it has this pl., (Fr, Ṣ, R, TA,) used by Ru-beh. (R, TA.)

Root: جدف - Entry: جَدَفٌ Dissociation: B

Also, said in a trad. to be the beverage of the jinn, or genii, (Ṣ, TA,) Beverage that has not been covered [at night according to a precept of the Prophet]: (Ḳatádeh, Ṣ, Ḳ:) or of which the mouth of the skin containing it has not been tied [at night]: (Ḳ:) or a certain plant of El-Yemen, the eater of which needs not to drink after it: (Ṣ, Ḳ:) or a certain plant of El-Yemen, eaten by camels, which thereby become in no need of water: (M, TA:) or the froth, or floating particles, cast up by beverage; (El-'Otbee, Hr, Ḳ;) as though it were cut off from the beverage. (El-'Otbee, Hr, TA.)


جَدَفَةٌ Cries, shouts, noises, clamour, or a confusion of cries or shouts or noises: and the sound made in running. (Ṣgh, Ḳ.)


جَوَادِفُ [pl. of جَادِفَةٌ,] Gazelles going with short steps. (Ṣgh, Ḳ.)


أَجْدَفُ Short: (Lth, Ḳ:) applied to a man. (TA.)

Root: جدف - Entry: أَجْدَفُ Signification: A2

And [the fem.] جَدْفَآءُ A ewe, or she-goat, having somewhat cut off from her ear. (Ḳ.)


مِجْدَفٌ: see مِجْدَافٌ.


مُجَدَّفٌ Straitened: so in the saying, إِنَّهُ لَمُجَدَّفٌ عَلَيْهِ العَيْشُ [Verily the means of living are rendered strait to him]: (Ḳ:) but in the L, لَمَجْدُوفٌ↓. (TA.)


مِجْدَافٌ The wing of a bird: (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ:) sometimes with ذ. (Mṣb.)

Root: جدف - Entry: مِجْدَافٌ Signification: A2

And hence, (Ḳ,) [An oar; a paddle;] a certain appertenance of a ship or boat; (Aṣ, Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ;) a piece of wood at the head of which is a broad board, with which one propels a ship or boat; (M, TA;) andمِجْدَفٌ↓ [signifies the same;] a certain thing with which a ship, or boat, is put in motion: (Mgh:) pl. مَجَادِيفُ: (Mṣb:) from جَدَفَ said of a bird: (Aṣ, Ṣ, M:) also called مِجْذَافٌ (IDrd, Ṣ, Mṣb) and مِقْذَفٌ and مِقْذَافٌ. (TA.)

Root: جدف - Entry: مِجْدَافٌ Signification: A3

And hence, as being likened thereto, ‡ A whip: and so with ذ. (TA in this art, and in art. جذف.)

Root: جدف - Entry: مِجْدَافٌ Signification: A4

And for a similar reason, ‡ The neck. (TA.)


مَجْدُوفٌ A [skin of the kind called] زِقّ having the legs cut off: and so with ذ. (Ḳ,* TA.) And مَجْدُوفُ اليَدَيْنِ A man having the arms, or hands, cut off. (TA.)

Root: جدف - Entry: مَجْدُوفٌ Signification: A2

And [hence,] the latter, † A niggardly man. (TA.)

Root: جدف - Entry: مَجْدُوفٌ Signification: A3

And مَجْدُوفُ الكُمَّيْنِ, (Ḳ, TA,) and اليَدِ, and القَمِيصِ, and الإِزَارِ, (TA,)Short in respect of the sleeves, (Ḳ, TA,) and of the arm, and of the shirt, and of the waistwrapper. (TA.)

Root: جدف - Entry: مَجْدُوفٌ Signification: A4