هلت هلث هلج


هَلْثَى An assembly, a company, or congregated body, of men. (IAạr.) [Or perhaps it is هَلْثًى.]

Root: هلث - Entry: هَلْثَى Signification: A2

Also, andهَلْثَآءٌ↓ [or perhaps هَلْثَآءُ] andهِلْثَآءٌ↓ andهَلْثَآءَةٌ↓ andهِلْثَآءَةٌ↓ andهُلْثَةٌ↓ An assembly, a company, or a congregated body, (composed of a great number of men, TA,) whose voices are raised high. (Ḳ.) [That هِلْثَاء is with tenween is expressly shown by Fr.: but whether هَلْثَاء is so is doubtful.]

Root: هلث - Entry: هَلْثَى Signification: A3

Also هِلْثَأَةٌ↓, with the second syll. short, An assembly, or a company, more in number than what is called وَضْمَة. (Th.)

Root: هلث - Entry: هَلْثَى Signification: A4

جَاءَتْ هِلْثَأَةٌ↓ مِنْ كُلِّ وَجْهٍ There came parties from every direction. (Th.)


هُلْثَةٌ: see هَلْثَى.


هِلْثَآءٌ: see هَلْثَى.

هَلْثَاءٌ / هَلْثَاءَةٌ

هلثاءٌ [app. هَلْثَاءٌ], coll. gen. n., n. un. with ة {هَلْثَاءَةٌ}, A kind of palm-tree, slender below, and thick at the head; the unripe dates of which are of a reddening yellow, disagreeable in taste; and its fresh ripe dates of the best, or sweetest, kind. (Aboo-Ḥátim, in Mṣb.)

Root: هلث - Entry: هَلْثَاءٌ Signification: A2

هَلْثَآءَةٌ / هِلْثَآءَةٌ

هَلْثَآءَةٌ and هِلْثَآءَةٌ: see هَلْثَى and هُلَاثٌ.


هُلَاثٌ andهَلْثَاءَةٌ↓ andهِلْثَاءَةٌ↓ Flaccidness, or languor, (إِسْتِرَخْاء,) that comes upon a man. (Ḳ.)


هَلَائِثُ People of the lower, or lowest, class. (TA.)

Root: هلث - Entry: هَلَائِثُ Signification: A2

هُوَ مِنْ هَلَائِثِهِمْ, mentioned, but not explained, by IAạr: thought by ISd to signify He is of the dregs of them: or, of their assembly, or company. (TA.)