نقب نقت نقث

1. ⇒ نقت

نَقَتَ, [aor. ـُ {يَنْقُتُ},] inf. n. نَقْتٌ, He took out, or extracted, marrow [from a bone]. (Ḳ.) Az, quotes, from Aboo-Turáb, on the authority of Aboo-'Ameythel, نُقِتَ العَظْمُ, and نُكِتَ, The marrow of the bone was taken out, or extracted. (L.) And J says, نَقَتُّ المُخَّ aor. ـُ {يَنْقُتُ}, inf. n. نَقْتٌ, is a dial. form of نَقَوْتُهُ, meaning, I took out, or extracted the marrow [from a bone]: as though they had changed the و into ت. (L.) But it is said in a marginal note in the Ṣ, Aboo-Sahl El-Harawee says, What I remember to have heard is نَقَثْتُ العَظْمَ, aor. ـُ {يَنْقُتُ}, inf. n. نَقْثٌ, I took out, or extracted, the marrow from the bone; and so إِنْتَقَثْتُهُ, with the three-pointed ث; and نَقَيْتُهُ, and إِنْتَقَيْتُهُ, and نَقُوْتُهُ. (TA.)