لبج لبخ لبد

لَبَخٌ / لَبَخَةٌ

لَبَخٌ, (L, Ḳ,) or لَبْخٌ, (as mentioned by AḤn., on the authority of another, [but see below,]) [a coll. gen. n., n. un. with ة {لَبَخَةٌ}, The persea of Theophrastus and Dioscorides; (De Sacy, “Relation de l'Egypte par Abd-Allatif,” in which see a full and learned disquisition respecting this tree, pp. 47 et seqq.)] described to AḤn, by a man acquainted with it, as growing at Ansinè, in Upper Egypt, as a kind of large tree, resembling the دُلْب [or plane-tree], having a green fruit, resembling the date, very sweet, but disagreeable, excellent for pain in the teeth: when it is sawn, it [meaning the saw-dust] makes blood to flow from the nose of him who saws it: it is sawn into planks, and a plank of it obtains the price of fifty deenárs: it is used in the building of ships: they assert that if two planks of it be strongly attached together, and put in water for a year, they unite, and form one plank: in the T it is not said that they are put in water for a year, nor for less, nor for more: some assert that this tree, in Persia, killed; but when transplanted to Egypt, it became such that [the fruit of] it was eaten, without injuring: Ibn-Beytár mentions it. (L, and parts also in the Ḳ.) The n. un. is also explained as the name of a certain great tree, like the أَثْأَبَة, or greater, the leaves of which resemble those of the walnut-tree (الجَوْز), having a fruit like that of the حَمَاط, bitter in taste, which, when eaten, excites thirst; and when water is drunk upon it, inflates the belly: it is one of the trees of the mountains. (AḤn, L.) [In a verse cited by AḤn, the coll. appellation of this latter tree is read لَبَخ, with fet-ḥ to the ل and ب.] [The name of لَبَخ is now given in Egypt to a kind of acacia; the mimosa lebbeck of Linnæus: and لَبَخُ الجَبَل, to the menispermum leæba of Delile; the leæba of Forskal. See also لُبَاجٌ.]


لُبَاخٌ: see لُبَاخِيَّةٌ.


لُبُوخٌ Fleshiness of the body. (Ḳ.)


لَبِيخٌ A fleshy man. (L, Ḳ.)


لُبَاخِيَّةٌ A fleshy woman: (L, Ḳ:) bulky, or corpulent: tall, and large in body: (L:) perfect [in body or make]: as though it were a rel. n. from اللُّبَاخ↓, [which is app. a word of no meaning; or perhaps, but this I think improbable, another name of the great tree called لَبْخ, or لَبَخ, or the name of a place]. (Ṣ, L.)