1. ⇒ قيل ⇒ قال
قَالَ He slept during midday: (Mgh:) or he stayed during midday. (TA, art. هجر.)
قَيَّلَ: see another meaning, voce بَيَّتَ.
3. ⇒ قايل
قَايَلَهُ البَيْعَ [He dissolved, rescinded, or annulled, with him the sale]. (A, art. رد.)
4. ⇒ اقيل ⇒ اقال
أَقَالَ ٱللّٰهُ عَثْرَتَكَ, and عِثاَرَكَ, [May God cancel thy slip, lapse, fault, wrong action, or mistake:] (A, art. عثر:) may God raise thee from thy fall. (Mṣb, art. قيل.) أَقَالَهُ عَثْرَتَهُ He forgave him his slip, lapse, or fault. (MA.)
5. ⇒ تقيّل
تَقَيَّلَ أَبَاهُ: see تَقَيَّضَ and تَأَسَّلَ.
10. ⇒ استقيل ⇒ استقال
اِسْتَقاَلَ البَيْعَ He desired, or demanded, the rescinding of the sale, or purchase. (MA.) And استقال العَنْوَةُ He desired, or demanded, his passing over, or forgiving, the slip, lapse, or fault. (MA.) See also Ḥar, p. 7. See also a verse cited voce عَنْوَةٌ.
قَائِلَةٌ: see غَاَئِرَهٌ.
مَقِيلٌ A resting-place; syn. مُسْتَقَرٌّ: hence, مَقِيلُ الحُبِّ [the resting-place of love] and مَقِيلُ الغَيْظِ [the resting-place of wrath], applied by El-Mutanebbee to the heart. (W, i. 112.) See an ex. (mistranslated) in De Sacy's Ar. Gr., sec. ed., ii. 165: the same, with a var., in Ibn-Akeel p. 210.