قلو / قلى
1. ⇒ قلو ⇒ قلى
قَلَا and قلى He fried wheat; i. e. roasted it in a مَقْلَى [or frying-pan or roasting-pan]. (Mgh.)
Root: قلو - Entry: 1.
Signification: A2
قَلَى with يَقْلَى for its aor.: see أَبَى.
Root: قلو - Entry: 1.
Signification: A3
هُوَ يَقْلُو البُرَّ: see بَرَى.
Root: قلو - Entry: 1.
Signification: A4
قَلَى He roasted in a frying-pan (MA, KL) flesh-meat (MA) or anything: (KL:) and شَوَى signifies the same. (MA.) قَلَى البُرَّ بِالمِقْلَى and المِقْلاَةِ means شَوَاهُ [i. e. he parched, or roasted, the wheat with the مقلى]. (Mgh.) The aor. is يَقْلِى and يَقْلُو, and the inf. n. قَلْىٌ (MA, Mgh) and قَلْوٌ. (Mgh.)
قَلْىٌ Potash; as is shown by the explanations in the Ṣ, Ḳ, and TA. Hence our term “alkali.” See حُرْضٌ.
مِقْلًى A frying-pan; i. q. طَاجَنٌ. (Mṣb in art. طجن.)