1. ⇒ قفأ
قَفِئَتِ الأَرْضُ, aor. ـَ
8. ⇒ اقتفأ
اقتفأ الخَرْزَ is said in the Ḳ to be syn. with افتقأهُ, [q. v.,] and is expl. by Lḥ as meaning He repeated the [kind of sewing termed] خَرْز [i. e. the sewing of skins and the like by means of an awl], and added, between the two kulbehs, another kulbeh, as is done with reed-mats when they are re-sewed. (TA.) [The kulbeh (كُلْبَة, q. v.) is here described as a thong, or a strand (طَاقَة) of (the membranous fibres that grow at the base of the branches of the palm-tree and are called) لِيف, used in the same manner as the shoemaker's awl, &c., as in art. كلب, q. v.; but what is here meant by this word is evidently, I think, a thong, or the like, with which a skin is sewed, agreeably with another explanation of it in art. كلب.]