طلس طلسم طلع

Q. 1. ⇒ طلسم

طَلْسَمَ He (a man) made his face to be displeasing, or odious; (M, L, TA;) he contracted it; or made it austere, or morose: and so طَرْمَسَ, and طَلْمَسَ, (L, TA,) and طَرْسَمَ. (TA in art. طلمس.)

Root: طلسم - Entry: Q. 1. Signification: A2

And He (a man) bent down his head; or lowered his eyes, looking towards the ground; or was, or became, silent; syn. أَطْرَقَ: and so طَرْسَمَ. (Ṣ in art. طرسم; and TA.)

Root: طلسم - Entry: Q. 1. Signification: A3

[And, accord. to Golius, He receded, or drew back, from fight; followed by عَنْ: (one of the significations assigned in the Ḳ to طَرْسَمَ:) he mentions this as on the authority of J: perhaps he found it in a copy of the Ṣ in art. طرمس (in which الطَّرْمَسَةُ is expl. as meaning الاِنْقِبَاضُ and النُّكُوصُ), or in some other art. of that work in which I do not remember to have seen it.]

Root: طلسم - Entry: Q. 1. Dissociation: B

[Also He sculptured, engraved, or inscribed, a thing with talismanic devices or characters. And He charmed, or guarded, or preserved, by means of a talisman. See what follows.]


طِلَسْمٌ, or, accord. to MF, طِلَّسْمٌ, [also written طَلِسْمٌ, and طِلِسْمٌ, and طِلِّسْمٌ, and طَلْسَمٌ, and طَلْسِمٌ, and طِلْسَمٌ,] said by MF to be a Pers., or foreign, word; [perhaps from a late usage of the Greek τέλεσμα;] but [SM says] in my opinion it is Arabic; a name for A concealed secret; [i. e. a mystery: hence our word talisman: accord. to common modern usage, it signifies mystical devices or characters, astrological or of some other magical kind: and a seal, an image, or some other thing, upon which such devices, or characters, are engraved or inscribed; contrived for the purpose of preserving from enchantment or from a particular accident or from a variety of evils, or to protect a treasure with which it is deposited, or (generally by its being rubbed) to procure the presence and services of a Jinnee,, &c.:] pl. طَلَاسِمُ (TA) [and طِلَسْمَاتٌ or طِلَّسْمَاتٌ, &c.].