صوب صوبج صوت


صَوْبَجٌ and صُوبَجٌ, (Ḳ,) the latter the only word of its measure except سُوسَنٌ (AḤei, TA) and كُوسَجٌ, (TA,) A thing with which bread is made; (Ḳ;) a wooden implement with which the makers of bread expand the cake of bread; (AḤei, TA;) the مِحْوَر of the maker of bread, with which the dough, or bread, is expanded: (TA in art. لط:) an arabicized word, (Ḳ, TA,) form the Pers. چُوپَهْ [or چُوبَهْ]. (TA.) [See what is said in art. صرج respecting words in which both ص and ج occur.]